Dr. Weyers Presents at LASSO in New Mexico

Professor Joseph R. Weyers presented his study “Medellín cuenta con vos: Increasing prestige for a non-standard form” at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO) at New Mexico State University, October 5-7, 2017.

Hispanic Studies Faculty Represent at 2017 MIFLC

Drs. Edward Chauca, Mark P. Del Mastro, Susan Divine, Vicki Garrett and Elizabeth Martínez-Gibson of the Department of Hispanic Studies all presented their various research and professional experiences during multiple academic sessions and panels during the 2017 Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference held at the University of North Carolina Wilmington on October 5-7.  For related details, see the official conference program.

Dr. Carrillo Arciniega’s Book is Reviewed in _Chasqui_

A review of Professor Raúl Carrillo Arciniega’s book La mitografía del poeta: filosofía de la sensación poética (2015) has been published in the refereed journal Chasqui:  http://chasquirll.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/REVIEWS-may17_EDITED.pdf.

Flores Presents at International Conference

Plato. Copy of portrait by Silanion. Capitoline Museum. Wikimedia Commons

Over the summer, Dr. Sam Flores presented his research at the ‘Celtic Conference in Classics‘ held at McGill University in Montreal, Canada from July 19-22. The title of his paper, ‘O Athenian Stranger: Xenoi and Philosophic Xenia in Plato’s Dialogues’, was presented in the panel highlight new approaches to Plato.

Congratulations, Dr. Flores!

Dr. Edward Chauca Presents Research at International Conferences

Professor Edward Chauca presented his research in two different conferences in summer 2017:

  1. “Perú al pie del orbe: Re-appropriating Science and Technology in Novels by César Vallejo and Clemente Palma” at the American Comparative Literature Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting at Utrecht University, Netherlands. July, 6-9, 2017.
  2. “La distopía del sujeto moderno: racionalidad, materialidad y afecto en Travesía de extramares.” Latin American Studies Association Annual Congress inLima, Perú. April 29-May 1, 2017.

Dr. Vicki Garrett Presents Research at Two Summer Conferences

Professor Vicki Garrett presented her research at two different conferences during the summer of 2017:

  1. “The Body and the Popular: Performing Politics in Argentine Popular Theater” at the Latin American Studies Association Annual Congress in Lima, Peru, on April 29, 2017.
  2. “Trauma and Coming of Age in Alonzo Ruizpalcios’s Güeros” at the American Comparative Literature Association in Utrecht, Netherlands, on July 7, 2017.