Sara Sprehn, Spanish Major, Receives Fulbright

Congratulations to Sara Sprehn for being The College of Charleston’s first undergraduate recipient of a Fulbright Full Graduate Scholarship in the school’s history. The Fulbright Program is one of the most prestigious awards programs worldwide and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Sara is a Spanish major with a double minor in Anthropology and Chemistry. She will be studying at the Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas in southern Mexico. She plans to take coursework in public health and nutrition and has plans, eventually, to attend medical school. Great job Sara!

Angelina Phebus named 2011 ExCEL Outstanding Student of the Year for the School of LCWA

Congratulations to Angelina Phebus, who was recognized as the 2011 Outstanding Student of the Year for the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs through the Excellence in Collegiate Education and Leadership (ExCEL ) program.

The award is presented to a College of Charleston student from each academic school who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and/or involvement in service. This individual has taken initiative to address a need in the campus community, and has inspired or encouraged others to do the same. The recipient displays dedication, responsibility, commitment and service to making a difference in the lives of others.

Spanish Major Dylan Kornegay Receives National Gabriela Mistral Award

On April 4, 2011, Dylan Kornegay was presented the Gabriela Mistral Award for her noteworthy initiative with the activities of her chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. This national recognition requires the approval of Sigma Delta Pi’s national Executive Committee and is granted to only 6-10 students annually from the 574 chapters nationwide. Dylan is only the second CofC student to receive this honor. The first was Jeannie M. McAdams on September 26, 1997. A complete list of past recepients nationwide is found at

CofC’s Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi Initiates 17 New Members

On Monday, April 4, 2011, CofC’s Chapter of the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi, inducted the following new student members: Patrick R. Broome, Emily Cox, Michael Dion, Sandi Edwards, Jennifer Franklyn, Michele Greco, Stephanie Harris, Ross Holbrook, Reema Kashif, Jessica Latham, Kristen McCutcheon, Kristen Rayner, Breanna Ross, Nina Saini, Hannah Stevenson and Emily Williams. Mr. Ronald Scheman, LCWA Advisory Board Member, was also initiated as an honorary member for his support of Spanish at the College. For event pictures, visit Nu Zeta Chapter’s Blog:

LCWA Faculty Members Awarded R&D Grants

Three School of Language,Cultures and World Affairs faculty members were awarded College of Charleston Research and Development Grants. Emily Beck of Hispanic Studies received funding for her project entitled, “Navigating Courtly Waters: Preparing Noble Daughters to be Future Leaders of Early Modern Iberia.” Lisa Samuel of International Studies received funding for her project entitled, “When Negotiating Trade Means Negotiating Difference: Small Developing States and (in)Justice at the Margins of International Trade Negotiations.” And John Walsh received funding for his project entitled, “From Toussaint to Cesaire: Narratives of the Haitian Revolution in the French Caribbean.” Congratulations!

Early returns are in! Classics students earn spots in top programs.

As graduate/professional schools make decisions about the class of 2011, CofC students begin to receive notifications.  Please join us in congratulating the accomplishments of the following students:

Melissa Huber has been accepted to the:

  • Ph.D. program in Classical Studies at Duke
  • Ph.D. program in Greek and Roman history at the University of Michigan

Both offers come with full fellowship funding.

Angelina Phebus has been accepted into the:

  • MA program at Georgia
  • Ph.D. program in Classics at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
  • Ph.D. program in classics at the University of Cincinnati (with full funding)

Additional updates will be posted periodically.


Melissa Huber Awarded 2011-2012 Lionel Pearson Fellowship

The Lionel Pearson Fellowship is a top national honor presented each year by the American Philological Association, one of the top two professional associations for Classics in North America.  Each year, one senior undergraduate nationwide is selected for the award.  The Pearson Fellowship funds a year of post-graduate study in Classics at a university in the U.K.  She plans to apply to the M.A. program in the City of Rome at the University of Reading.  This unique program combines coursework in ancient languages, history, and art at the Reading campus with several months of study and research at the British School in Rome.