Tickets to An Evening With Sebastian Junger are now available online at junger.cofc.edu!
The Friends of the Library are proud to present
An Evening with Sebastian Junger
Acclaimed war correspondent, bestselling author and Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker
When… Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Time… VIP Reception with Sebastian Junger: 6:00pm
Keynote Address: 7:00pm
Where… Rivers Green, behind the Addlestone Library
Sebastian Junger’s keynote address, entitled “War: One Year with A Platoon in the Most Dangerous Valley in Afghanistan”, will focus on his fifteen months embedded with a US Army platoon in the Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley. Mr. Junger’s objective coverage of the combat experiences of soldiers and civilians has earned him respect on all sides of the political spectrum. He will touch on the reasons for, realties of, and observations gleaned from his time with our troops.
Tickets to the VIP reception at $125.00 per person and include preferential seating at the keynote address. Tickets for the keynote address only are $45.00 per person. Limited tickets will be sold, so get yours now and please spread the word!
Proceeds from An Evening With Sebastian Junger will establish the FIRST scholarship specifically for veteran students at the College of Charleston. In supporting Sebastian Junger’s visit, you’ll be supporting a soldier’s transition from military to civilian life.
Please visit junger.cofc.edu for more information or to purchase tickets!