CofC’s 23rd President

The College Today has written an excellent announcement of the College’s new 23rd president Andrew T. Hsu!

Check out the full article HERE!

Also check out an interview that the College Today did with him HERE!


The School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs would like to congratulate Andrew T. Hsu on being selected to be the new president of the College of Charleston.

Global Foodways in Skirt Magazine

Professor Lauren Ravalico, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of French and Francophone Studies and a member of the executive committee for Women’s and Gender Studies at the College of Charleston. In this article she discusses her research and passion for the Global Foodways program.

“This stew of intellectual interest and personal connection to the kitchen has simmered for a long time and ultimately inspired me to attempt coordinating a yearlong program of courses and events at the College of Charleston called “Global Foodways.” Besides having the opportunity to teach my own “Culture of the French Table” course as part of the program, it has been amazing to see the range of disciplines in which food takes the spotlight. Students can learn about the history of tea in China, the sociology of food, food culture and sustainability in Italy, food as medicine, and dozens of other options.”

“It is my hope that Global Foodways will serve as a virtual table around which members of the academic community and beyond can engage in conversations and sensory experiences that open our hearts and minds.”

Check out the full article here! 



In Banned Books class at College of Charleston, Salman Rushdie meets Captain Underpants

The Post and Courier article “In Banned Books class at College of Charleston, Salman Rushdie meets Captain Underpants” was posted on September 26th. It discusses the importance of CofC’s course on banned books in the United States taught by Professor Marjory Wentworth.

Check out the full article here! 

Give To What You Love

Midnight on February 28, 2017 ended the Give To What You Love campaign. This was the first year that LCWA participated in this campaign. LCWA’s goal was to reach a total of 40 donors by the end of the campaign and not only did LCWA reach 40 they surpassed it!

LCWA had a total of 43 donors give to various funds and programs throughout the month of February. During this initiative faculty, staff, students, and alumni were encouraged to give to the fund that was meaningful to them. By investing in the College of Charleston, they were helping support the students and programs that made an impact on their lives.

LCWA would like thank everyone who gave during the Give To What You Love campaign and congratulate you for helping LCWA reach their 40 donors goal!

Bethany Blamphin, Spanish Major, to Present at Conference

Bethany Blamphin, Spanish major, will present her project “Intercultural Competence in the Language Classroom: Practices and Beliefs of Foreign Language Teachers in the US” at the annual Colonial Academic Alliance Undergraduate Research Conference at Elon University on March 31 – April 1, 2017.

Dr. Barnes Participates in Conference at Florida State University

Professor Hilary Barnes attended the Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World conference at Florida State University, January 27-29 2017, where she co-presented a poster entitled “Kaqchikel in San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala: Language maintenance or language shift?”

Dr. Raúl Carrillo Arciniega Receives Literary Award for Latest Novel

For his latest novel Tennessee River, Professor Raúl Carrillo Arciniega has been granted the Premio Literario Estatal de Novela (State Literary Award for Novel) by the the Coordinación de Fomento Editorial del Instituto Sudcaliforniano de Cultura in Mexico.  Click here for additional details on all statewide and regional awardees of Baja California.