Author Archives: admin
Spring 2019 Newsletter!
African American Studies Spring 2019 Newsletter is finally out!
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Spring 2019 Newsletter-wv2brz
African American Studies Spring 2019 Film Festival: Afrofuturism on Film
The African American Studies Spring 2019 Film Festival, “Afrofuturism on Film,” will feature four evenings of films that assert that, regardless of whatever else the future holds, the future is most definitely and defiantly Black. Though the films in the festival take us from Los Angeles and the Gulf Coast to outer space and Wakanda, all of them envision futures centered on the peoples and cultures of Africa and the Diaspora. The screenings, which will be at 6:00 pm in Septima Clark Auditorium (Education Center 118), are free and open to the public, and each will be followed by a discussion led by a College of Charleston faculty member. Popcorn and soda will be served as well.
February 4: Blade (discussion led by Prof. Anthony Greene)
February 11: Beasts of the Southern Wild (discussion led by Prof. Lisa Young)
February 18: Pumzi and Other Shorts* (discussion led by Prof. Mari Crabtree)
February 25: Black Panther (discussion led by Prof. Gary Jackson and Prof. Matthew Cressler)
* The “other shorts” will include Janelle Monae’s Dirty Computer, clips from Sun Ra’s Space is the Place, and excerpts of a Parliament concert from their original Mothership Connection tour.
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Video Projects from Fall 2018 courses!
Check out these awesome video projects from students in Professor Matheny’s Hip-Hop: Evolution and Impact from Fall 2018!
Check out these projects from students in Professor Matheny’s Intro. to African American Studies courses from Fall 2018!