Porter’s Lodge, Gateway to the College of Charleston
The Department of Classics at the College of Charleston invites applications for a permanent position at the rank of Instructor, beginning August 16, 2019. We are seeking a dynamic and dedicated teacher-scholar with a committed career track emphasizing language pedagogy who is willing to work closely with undergraduates and to promote the study of classics across the campus and the region (e.g., liaison with the South Carolina Junior Classical league and regional secondary programs). Teaching responsibilities will include Latin (and possibly Greek) at all levels, classical mythology, classical literature in translation, and classical civilization.
Promising candidates will have thorough training in both Latin and ancient Greek, extensive experience and demonstrated expertise in teaching Latin, a deep familiarity with established and emerging approaches to language pedagogy, and a strong interest in pedagogical innovation. Excellent collaborative work skills are essential as the person holding this position must be an effective team leader, able to work productively with all members of the department and with other language faculty at the College of Charleston.
This is a full-time permanent position with a teaching load of 4 courses per semester. While the position is non-tenure track, the position is renewable for up to five years, at which time the individual would be eligible for promotion to the rank of Senior Instructor. The PhD in classics or related discipline must be in hand by 15 August, 2019.
For full consideration, applicants are asked to submit online to http://jobs.cofc.edu/postings/8181 all of the following: (1) a letter of application, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) unofficial transcript (official transcript required at time of hire) (4) teaching statement and portfolio, and (5) contact information for three reference providers who will submit letters of recommendation online by the date provided below. Teaching statements and portfolios should include course evaluations and syllabi and may include discussion of accomplishments in and future goals for working with underrepresented groups and contributing to the growth and support of a diverse community of students and scholars on campus. We are especially interested in applicants with a record of successful teaching and mentoring of students from diverse backgrounds. Review of applications begins on December 1, 2018 and will continue until the position is filled. Select candidates will be invited for preliminary and then on-campus interviews. Questions regarding the position can be directed to Dr. James Newhard, search committee chair, at newhardj@cofc.edu.
The Department of Classics has 8 full-time faculty members and enjoys strong enrollments in Latin, Greek, Greek and Roman culture, history, and archaeology. Further information about the Classics Department is available at http://classics.cofc.edu. The College of Charleston is a nationally recognized public liberal arts and sciences university located in the heart of historic Charleston, SC. Since its founding in 1770, the College has maintained a strong liberal arts curriculum. The student body numbers approximately 12,000 students in undergraduate and graduate programs combined. The College of Charleston is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, genetic information, or disability.