New Faculty Join the Department of Classics

 This year we are pleased to welcome three new faculty members to our department. They are a talented group, and each will enhance our programming and are excited to begin the semester. Look for them in class, or better yet stop by their offices in Randolph Hall 306-308 and introduce yourself. They would enjoy meeting you.

Dr. Allison Sterrett Krause (Ph.D. University of Cincinnati, 2012) Visiting Assistant Professor • Interests: the art and architecture of Greece and Rome; ancient topography and urban development; ancient technology and craft production; Latin language, literature, and epigraphy; Roman social history; Roman North Africa; gender in antiquity  •Upcoming Select Courses: Images of Women in Classical Antiquity; Ancient Homes and Households

Megan Alwine (M.A. University of Florida, 2007) Adjunct • Interests: Latin language and pedagogy •Upcoming Course: Medical Terminology in Greek and Latin

Dr. James Lohmar (Ph.D. University of Florida, 2013) Adjunct • Interests: Greek and Latin epic poetry; violence, aesthetics, and the reception of Classical literature; Roman material culture •Upcoming Select Courses: Latin language courses

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