Learning is what goes on in colleges and Jewish Studies is at its heart a vibrant academic program, with community outreach a prominent feature of its identity, from the Program’s inception more than thirty years ago. This semester Jewish Studies will re-introduce serious mini-seminars, essentially condensed courses (or highlights of courses) consisting of class sessions devoted to a single topic. Mini-seminars are free and open to the public. Enrollees are expected to secure the required reading, complete all assignments, and to attend all of the class sessions, thereby creating a genuine learning community. The class discussions will assume that enrollees have done the required assignments. The reading assignments will be made available on-line prior to the first class meeting.
Contact Mark Swick for details at swickmn@cofc.edu or 843-953-4930.
This fall, Jewish Studies will offer three mini-seminars; (1) a weekly immersive ulpan class by Professor Noa Weinberg which introduces students to Hebrew, both as a spoken language and as a written one; (2) a three-session exploration by Rabbi Moshe Davis of contemporary issues which help define Modern Orthodoxy; and (3) a three-session “highlights” of Professor Joshua Shanes’ course on Jewish Mysticism.