A World of Jewish Culture began twenty years ago in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel.
Now celebrating Israel @ 70, the Jewish Studies program is thrilled to present three Israeli films in their Charleston debut. Screenings will be held in Arnold Hall. Admission is $10, with popcorn and refreshments provided.
6/3 at 10AM: Israel at 70 Film Series: Ben Gurion, Epilogue
6/5 at 6PM: Israel at 70 Film Series: Israel – A Home Movie
6/6 at 6PM: Israel at 70 Film Series: The Fifth Heaven
Also taking place back by popular demand, music leaders from Congregation Bet Haverim in Atlanta bring their vibrant voice and spirit to Saffron’s Jewish Coffeehouse for an encore performance. Will Robertson, Gayanne Geurin, Brad Davidorf, and Sarah Zaslaw – singers accompanied by violin, accordion, and guitar – travel the spectrum of eras and places, languages, and moods, honoring facets of the Jewish experience.