On February 15-16 the fifth annual colloquium of the Theodore B. Guérard Lecture Series will address the role Classics plays in the Liberal Arts Tradition and the innovative ways it continues to challenge our contemporary world.

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Monday, Feb. 15, 4:00 pm (Alumni Center SOEHHP): Dr. James Newhard, College of Charleston, has been engaged in archaeological research for over 20 years, taking leading roles on projects in the North America, Europe, and western Asia. His publications currently focus upon the use of GIS and geospatial modeling, landscape history, and the relationship between human and environmental agency, as well as the use of informatics and innovative methods to visualize and image the past. Title: “STEM vs. Humanities: The Betrayal of a False Dichotomy”

Monday, Feb. 15, 4:15 pm (Alumni Center SOEHHP): Dr. Noelle Zeiner-Carmichael , College of Charleston, teaches a variety of courses in classical literature, civilization, and material culture. She has published two books, a monograph on Statius’ Silvae and more recently an anthology of original translation of ancient Roman letters. Her current research focuses on Roman epistolary literature and also involves a new long-term project on Roman death-bed narrative. Title: “Lettering the Self: Fronto, Marcus Aurelius, and “Distance-Learning” in Ancient Rome”

Monday, Feb. 15, 7:00 pm (Simons Center 309): Dr. Monica Cyrino (University of New Mexico), an award winning educator, is one of the leading scholars on Classics in popular culture and film. In addition to numerous articles, she is the editor of two volumes on the HBO series “Rome,” She is also the editor of Screening Love and Sex in the Ancient World (2013) and co-editor of Classical Myth on Screen (2015). Her literary research centers on eros in ancient Greece, including the books, In Pandora’s Jar: Lovesickness in Early Greek Poetry (1995), and Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of Love (2010). Title: “A Roman in Kyoto: Empire Nostalgia in Takeushi Hideki’s Thermae Romae (2012)”

Tuesday, Feb. 16, 4:00 pm (Alumni Center SOEHHP): Dr. Tim Johnson, College of Charleston, has published extensively on the politics of poetry, including his most recent book, Horace’s Iambic Criticism: Casting Blame. He served as editor for Religious Studies Review and the special issue Homer for Classical World. He also was the principal originator of the on-line Ph.D. program in Classics at the University of Florida. Title: “Community and Liberal Arts: Locating the “Live” in the “Reproduced”

Tuesday, Feb. 16, 5:00 pm (Alumni Center SOEHHP): Dr. James O’Donnell (University Librarian, Arizona State University) has been engaged in digital innovation in education for almost 25 years. He has served as Provost and Professor of Classics at Georgetown University for a decade, after a career at Bryn Mawr, Cornell, and the University of Pennsylvania. He is a fellow of the Medieval Academy of America and served as president of the American Philological Association. He was a pioneer in the study of late antiquity, including “Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace” (1998), “Augustine: A New Biography” (2005), and “The Ruin of the Roman Empire” (2008). His new book, “Pagans,” was published by Harper Collins, 2015. Title: “Knowledge is a Verbal Noun”


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