15 Students Initiated into Nat’l Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society

On Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Alumni Center of the School of Education, the following 15 students were initiated into the College of Charleston’s Nu Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society:

Hunter Weston Adams
Adriana Bonasorte
Eric Britton
Emily Lane Brown
Clay Bucher
Alexander Cattran
James Clark
Marisa Graham
Hart Hildebrand
Brian Malone
Devon Meneeley
Jessica Russo
Leah Magdalene Theoharidis
Neil Daniel Robert Turner
Stephen Zimmerman

Those present also recognized the 36th birthday of the Nu Zeta Chapter: on November 21, 1977, the College of Charleston’s chapter was founded by Professor Fleming G. Vinson, Associate Professor of Spanish and Italian, with the initiation of four charter members.

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