Community Organizing Fellowship opportunity, working with Girls Rock Charleston

Fall 2013 & Spring 2014 Semesters (with option of starting this summer):

Girls Rock Charleston, a local non-profit organization, is partnering with the Women’s and Gender Studies Program to create a Community Organizing Fellowship opportunity for female and/or transgender students. This opportunity is specifically geared towards developing the leadership of students of color, working class students, and immigrant students (of any immigration status), who are all strongly encouraged to apply. Participants will learn the ins and outs of community-based grassroots organizing while completing complementary coursework in their discipline. 

Students with an interest in any of the following should consider applying: racial justice work, economic justice work, girls studies, disability studies, LGBTQ justice work, public education, and grassroots social movements. 

This is a stipended position with a heavy time commitment (at least 120 hours per semester) during which the Fellow will gain 6 hours of course credit through completing an internship and an independent study. This could also be paired with a bachelor’s essay depending on the student’s interest. 

If you are interested, please submit a letter of interest and a letter of recommendation from a professor by Friday, May 31, to

Learn more about Girls Rock Charleston at

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