Penn Center’s 30th Annual Heritage Days now through Sunday

In any given year the celebrations attract thousands of people and the Center expects even more people this year as it is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Penn School in the summer of 1862.  If you can possibly make your way down Highway 17 sometime this weekend, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

For the full program, visit the Center’s web-site at

Be sure to join us tomorrow from 8:30am – 12:30pm for a showing of the documentary Slavery By Another Name, based on Douglas Blackmon’s Pullitzer prize winning book, followed by a discussion on the ways in which convict leasing, prisons, and late 20th century mass incarceration have continued many of slavery’s legal and social implications long beyond Emancipation.   Avery Research Center’s own Public Historian, Dr. Robert Chase, will be speaking there as well as Professor Marcus Cox, Chair of the History Department at the Citadel.  Should make for an engaging discussion!


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