Hispanic Studies: Literary Journal Name Contest

The Hispanic Studies Department is proud to announce plans for its new online, refereed journal, to be launched Fall 2011. Because student involvement is essential for the success of such endeavors, all interested students are invited to submit original journal names that reflect the spirit of both our institution and the journal.

The Hispanic Studies journal will not only serve the student body, but it will also intend to reach and establish a dialogue with other first‐class institutions throughout the US and the Spanish‐speaking world. Our new journal will publish creative writing in Spanish: literary essays, chronicles, short stories, poetry and translations of any of these literary manifestations. In addition, the journal willpublish articles in LatinAmerica Literary and Cultural Studies of the 20th Century and to the present.

The required language for the creative work will be Spanish; for critical articles, Spanish and English will be accepted, 25‐30 pages in length and following MLA style.

We encourage all CofC students to submit names in Spanish that capture this spirit. The Department of Hispanic Studies will form a committee to determine the winner, who will receive a $75 Yo Burrito gift card.

All entries must be sent via e‐mail to journal’s founding director, Dr. Raúl Carrillo: carrilloarciniegar@cofc.edu

Please include “journal name” on the “Subject” line, and in the body of the e‐mail the following information:1) Student’s full name and class (freshman, sophomore, graduate student, etc.); 2) Preferred e‐mail address for future notifications. Due date: April 15th, 2011. The winner will be announced on Friday, April 22, and the gift card will be presented at the Award Ceremony hosted by The Department of Hispanic Studies.

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