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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

6:00             Opening Reception, Francis Marion Hotel

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Session I: 8:30-10:00

 Panel W.1—Room 235

Finding Samuel Roth: Revelations from the Archives—Chair, Amanda Sigler (Erskine College)

  “Samuel Roth, The ‘Pirate’ of Ulysses,” Jay Gertzman (Mansfield University)

 “Pirates and Para.txts: Building a Versioned Ulysses,” Matt Huculak (University of Victoria)

  “The Discourtesy of Samuel Roth, Lawful Reprinter,Bob Spoo (University of Tulsa)


Panel W.2—Room 251

 Joyce and Mythic Thought—Chair, Kathryn Webb (University of Tulsa)

 “‘Eveline’: A Graceful Descent into the Underworld,” Georgia Ann Banks-Martin (Pacifica Graduate Institute)

“The Mythology and Commodification of Cows in Joyce,” James Edge (University of Georgia)

 “The Political Aesthetics of Myth in Joyce’s Ulysses in Sorelian Perspective,” Tudor Balinisteanu (University of Suceava)


Panel W.3—Room 252

 Identity Formation in Dubliners—Chair, Barry Spence (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

 “The Search for Meaning in ‘After the Race,’” Paul Arant (College of Charleston)

 “The Painful Case of ‘A Painful Case,’” Patrick Bryant (Winthrop University)

 “Joyce’s Aesthetic: The Creation of Authentic-Identity in Dubliners,” Alexandra Barylski-Stott (College of Charleston)


Break 10:00-10:30

 Session II: 10:30-12:00

 Panel W.4—Room 235

Commodius Recirculation—Chair, Rodney Sharkey (Weill Cornell Medical College – Qatar)

 “Scavenging the Dead: Trash, Technology, and Ulysses,” Jennifer J. Dellner (Ocean County College)

 “‘Aquacities of thought and language’: Joyce, Water and Urban Ecology,” Greg Winston (Husson University)

 “Of Rubbages and Dung, Or Why the Wake Stinks: Sniffing Out a Language of Affect and Trauma in the Litters of the Midden Heap,” Monica Fagan (University of Michigan)


 Panel W.5—Room 251

 Joyce and French Theory—Chair, Shelly Brivic

 “Tying the not,” Tony Thwaites (University of Queensland)

 “Irigaray, Again, Or Irigaray, Ever?” Colleen Lamos (Rice University)

 “Stephen Dedalus as Badiou’s St. Paul,” Shelly Brivic (Temple University)


  Panel W.6—Room 252

 Nation and Race—Chair, Vivian Valvano Lynch  (St. John’s University)

 “The Nativity of Nationality: Birth and Language in Joyce’s Oxen of the Sun,” Ryan Holley (University of Iowa)

 “‘What is your nation if I may ask”: European Race Science and Joyce’s Ireland,” Grace Holtkamp (Oxford University)

 “Was James Joyce a Racist?” Joe Kelly (College of Charleston)


 Lunch 12:00-2:00

  12:30-1:45             Finnegans Wake Reading Group: “Like a flask of lightning over he careened”:

Room 252            FW 426.05-428.27— Co-chairs, Jim LeBlanc (Cornell University) and David Rando (Trinity University)


Session III: 2:00-3:45

 Panel W.7—Room 235

 Doubling Down on Dubliners—Chair, Austin Briggs

 “What’s so remarkable about the first sentence of ‘The Dead’”? Cóilín Owens (George Mason University)

 “From ‘Two Gallants’ to Stephen’s Aesthetic Theory,” Stephen E. Whittaker (University of Scranton)

 “Mr., Mrs., Miss, Surnames, Given names, and Pronouns in Joyce’s ‘The Dead,’” Austin Briggs (Hamilton College)


Panel W.8—Room 251

 Cognition—Chair, Robert Newman (University of Utah)

 “Intermental: Cognitive Psychology and the Nature of the Epiphany,” Martin R. Brick (Ohio Dominican University)

 “Joyce’s Hippocampus: Association, Neuroplasticity, and the Biological Memory of Ulysses,” Matthew Gillespie (Ohio State University)

 “‘He read the letter again, twice’: Acts of Reading in Ulysses,” Tom Simone (University of Vermont)

“‘That strange exotic serpentine’:  Strange Loops, Joycean Machines, and the Cognitive Poetics of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake,” Francis X. Altomare (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)


Panel W.9—Room 252

 From Signifier to Signified—Chair, Michael Groden (Western University, Canada)


“Sign, Nature, Signature: folk etymology and the Adamic doctrine in the Proteus and Lestrygonians episodes of Ulysses,” Sylvain Belluc (university of Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle)

 “‘Give it a name, Citizen’: Naming in the Ulysses Avant-Texte,” Donald Hinson Calabrese (Western University, Canada)

 “‘Object Lessons’: Ulysses, Thing Theory, Epiphany,” Timothy Martin (Rutgers University-Camden)

 “Studies after Finnegans Wake: The Midden Heap,” Heather Ryan Kelley (McNeese State University)


Break 3:45-4:15


Plenary Session: 4:15-5:30 (Room 235)

 “Joyce, Ireland, and the American South: Blackness, Whiteness, and Lost Causes” Vincent Cheng (University of Utah)


Evening Event:

 6:00-7:30 (Room 235)—“In Bed with Ulysses” (film)

—Night on the town


Thursday, 13 June 2013

Session I: 9:00-10:30

 Panel T.1—Room 235

 Intertextuality I—Chair, Cynthia Hornbeck (University of Minnesota)

 “The Pygmalion Theme in James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and in Henrik Ibsen’s When We Dead Awaken,” Ilonka Persic (University of Split)

 “Intertextuality in Ulysses,” R. Brandon Kershner (University of Florida)

“William Blake and James Joyce: The Seim Anew,” Josephine McQuail (Tennessee Technological University)


Panel T.2—Room 251

Love Stories—Chair, Gregory Erickson (New York University)

“Joyce and Modern Love: When the Universe is no Longer an Assistant at Man’s Love-Affair,” Benjamin Jon Boysen (Syddansk Universitet, Odense)

“Useless to Go Back: How Leopold Bloom’s Heartbreak Influences Bloom’s Day,” Jose A. Aparicio (University of South Florida)

“Mourning Becomes Dedalus: Ethics, Prosopopeia, and Impossible Mourning in Ulysses,” Christopher DeVault (Mount Mercy University)


 Panel T.3—Room 252

 CyberJoyce—Chair, Debra Rae Cohen (University of South Carolina)

 “The Mapping Dubliners Project: A Demonstration and Introduction of a Digital Geospatial Joyce Project,” Jasmine Mulliken (Oklahoma State University)

 “‘[T]he noise of voices’: Oxen of the Sun and Information Theory,” Christian Howard (University of Tulsa)

 “Gaming the Wake,” Sean Latham (University of Tulsa)


Break 10:30-11:00

Plenary Session: 11:00-12:15 (Room 235)

 “‘who wants two gestures to illustrate a loaf and a jug?’: ‘Circe’ and Beijing Opera”                        Agata Szczeszak-Brewer (Wabash College)


 Lunch 12:15-2:15

 12:45-2:00     Ulysses Reading Group: Cyclops 12.1414-1501 (pp. 271-73)—Co-chairs, Austin Briggs

Room 252            (Hamilton College) and Michael Groden (Western University, Canada)


Session III: 2:15-3:45

 Panel T.4—Room 249

 Body and Mind—Chair, Jasmine Mulliken (Oklahoma State University)

 “Colonizing the Body and Mind: Depictions of Corporal Punishment in Education in Joyce’s ‘An Encounter’ and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,” Alyssa Hunziker (University of Florida)

 “Joyce and Disabled People: Reading Ulysses from the Perspective of Disability Studies,” Seokmoo Choi (Korea University)

“‘When We Will Conjugate Together Toloseher’: The Ethical Representation of Mental Illness in Finnegans Wake,” Jennifer Marchisotto (California State University, Fullerton)

Panel T.5—Room 251

 Storytelling—Chair, Kurt Hochenauer (University of Central Oklahoma)

 “Benjamin’s Storyteller, Joyce’s Arranger, and the Narrative Wording Class,” David P. Rando (Trinity University)

 “A Text in Collusion with its Protagonist: The Arranger’s Obfuscatory Function in James Joyce’s Ulysses,” Paul Brown (University of South Carolina)

 “Two Versions of Storytelling in Finnegans Wake,” Cynthia Hornbeck (University of Minnesota)


Panel T.6—Room 252

 Framing Ulysses—Chair, Diarmuid Curraoin (Independent Scholar)

 “Statues, Stasis, and Becoming,” Damon Franke (University of Southern Mississippi)

 “Circe’s Looking Glass: Joyce’s Circe Episode via Jarry, Ibsen, and Strindberg,” Kathryn Webb (University of Tulsa)

 “‘Against the dark wall a figure appears’: Photography and Ethics in Circe and Cortazar’s ‘Blow Up,’” Matthew Berger (California State University, Fullerton)

 Break 3:45-4:15

Session IV: 4:15-5:45

 Panel T.7—Room 249

 Human to Posthuman—Chair, Timothy J. Sutton (Florida Gulf Coast University)

 “Considerations of Space: Foucault’s Heterotopia in Ulysses,” Kelvin Knight (University of East Anglia)

 “Written in the Stars: Stellar Representation and the Unification of Space and Time in Finnegans Wake,” Shawn C. Ballard (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

 “Intra-Subjective Phenomenology vs. the Inhuman, or ‘Mixed up in the Family Business,’” Rodney Sharkey (Weill Cornell Medical College – Qatar)


Panel T.8—Room 251

 Mr. Leopold Bloom—Chair, Paul Brown (University of South Carolina)

 “Buddha Bloom: Reflections of Buddhist Philosophy in Ulysses,” Erin Hollis (California State University, Fullerton)

 “The Bass and Treble of His Method: Coincidence in Joyce’s Sirens,” Gabriel Mamola (University of Dallas)

 “What is it like to be another? Leopold Bloom and Empathy,” Johanna Winant (University of Chicago, College of the Holy Cross)


Panel T.9—Room 252

 Seeing Ourselves in Joyce’s Nicely Polished Looking Glass: Dubliners Today—Chair, Morris Beja (Ohio State University)

 “Dawn of The Dead: Dubliners . . . . With Zombies,” Garry Leonard (University of Toronto)

 “Updating Its Status: Dubliners in the Age of Facebook,” Deirdre Flynn (University of Toronto)

 “A Committee Room. A Table. Evening. Reading ‘Ivy Day in the Committee Room’ alongside Waiting for Godot,” Raymond Leonard (Concordia University)

 Respondent: R. Brandon Kershner (University of Florida)


Evening Events:

 8:00 (Room 235)—Adam Harvey’s DON’T PANIC: it’s only Finnegans Wake—a performance-art preview (featuring “The Ondt and the Gracehoper”)

—Pub Night follows—cash bar—Tommy Condon’s, 160 Church St.


Friday, 14 June 2013


Session I: 8:30-10:00

 Panel F.1—Room 235

 Gender—Chair, Katherine Rose Keenan (Cabrini College)

 “Whores, Madames, and Socialites: Mothers and Daughters in James Joyce’s Dubliners,” Rebecca McNulty (University of Florida)

 “Moustaches, Mimicking, and Masculinity in Ulysses,” Alanna Beroiza (Rice University)

 “‘Where there is a reconciliation … there must first have been a sundering’: Revisiting the Archetypal Feminine in James Joyce’s Ulysses,”Ariana Mashilker (University College Dublin)


Panel F.2—Room 251

 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man—Chair, Stephen E. Whittaker (University of Scranton)

“Stephen’s Aesthetic Rejection of Nietzsche: A Case for a Kierkegaardian Reading of Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,” Joseph Gastaldo (College of Charleston)

 “‘Could His Mind Then Not Trust Itself?’: Ignatian Discernment Processes and Portrait,” Timothy J. Sutton (Florida Gulf Coast University)

 “James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: A Romance,” Leslie Gibson (College of Charleston)


 Panel F.3—Room 252

 Remaking the Reader Remaking the Text—Chair, David P. Rando (Trinity University)

 “Provocative Punctuation and Licentious Letters,” Amanda Sigler (Erskine College)

 “Ulysses ‘Seen’:  Re-visioning Modernism in the Digital Turn,” Melissa Higgins (University of South Carolina)

 “Gopher Tuna: The Misheard Lyrics of James Joyce,” John Gordon (Connecticut College)

 Break 10:00-10:30

Session II: 10:30-12:00

 Panel F.4—Room 235

Crowdsourcing the Letters: A Roundtable on the Oxford Letters Edition

 Kevin Dettmar (Pomona College)

Bob Spoo (University of Tulsa)

Bill Brockman (Pennsylvania State University)


Panel F.5—Room 251

Beyond Indeterminacy—Chair, Ellen Carol Jones (Columbus, Ohio)

Double-in-us: Diasporic Double Consciousness in James Joyce’s Dubliners,” Hoyoung Yu (Sogang University)

“The Responsibility of Conflicting Readings in Joyce’s ‘The Dead,’” Michael G. Simental (National University, La Jolla)

“Surface Reading and the Performative Hermeneutic of Circe,” John Macintosh (University of Maryland – College Park)


Panel F.6—Room 252

Theater—Chair, Sebastian Knowles (Ohio State University)

“The Concept of the Clown in the Antics of Chaplin and the Semantics of Joyce,” Jesse H. McKnight (Independent Scholar)

“Metempsychosis Travels with the Circus,” Heyward Ehrlich (Rutgers University)

Finnegans Wake: An Actor’s Annotations,” Adam Harvey (Santa Fe)

 Lunch 12:00-2:00

 Room 252

12:30-1:45     Finnegans Wake Reading Group: “Like a flask of lightning over he careened”:             FW 426.05-428.27— Co-chairs, Jim LeBlanc (Cornell University) and David Rando (Trinity University)


Session III: 2:00-3:30

 Panel F.7—Room 249

Catholicism—Chair, Cóilín Owens (George Mason University)

“The Prodigal Irish Catholic: The Protestant and Catholic Relationship in James Joyce’s Dubliners,” Katherine Rose Keenan (Cabrini College)

“Help! What Do/Don’t I Believe? Joyce and Religion,” Wallace Ross (Lewis University)

“Acts of Contrition? The Auricular Confessional as Site of Fraternal Conflict in Finnegans Wake,” Heather McLeer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


Panel F.8—Room 251

Intertextuality II—Chair, Kevin Dettmar (Pomona College)

Exiles and the Limits of Egoism,” John McGuigan (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)

“Fertile Imaginations: Aristotle’s Masterpiece and the Pregnant Body in Ulysses,” Sarah Hardy (Hampden-Sydney College)

“Homeric Respect in Ulysses: The Reciprocity of Aidos,” Anne MacMaster (Millsaps College)


Panel F.9—Room 252

Finnegans Wake and its Others—Chair, Maria McGarrity

“Deterritorializing History and Heresy: Finnegans Wake and the Book of Mormon,” Gregory Erickson (New York University)

“Vision in/of the Wake: The Reader as Other,” Tom Rice (University of South Carolina)

“Imagining The ‘[W]ettest [I]ndies’: The Transatlantic Network of James Joyce and Derek Walcott,” Maria McGarrity (Long Island University, Brooklyn)

 Break 3:30-4:00

Plenary Session: 4:00-5:15 (Room 235)

 “Epistolary Joyce”

Bill Brockman (Pennsylvania State University)

Evening Events:

5:15-6:15—Gallery Show: 2nd floor of the Addlestone Library

6:15-7:45—Gallery Reception: Smoking Lamp Terrace, Francis Marion Hotel

—Night on the town


Saturday, 15 June 2013


Session I: 9:00-10:30


Panel S.1—Room 235

Joyce, Nature, Body—Chair, Rob Brazeau

“Water and Trans-corporeality in Ulysses,” Jim Fairhall (DePaul University)

“‘Cannibals would with lemon and rice’: Reproduction, Crisis, and the Shedding of Labor in Lestrygonians,” Norman Mack (University of Alberta)

“A ‘diminishing discolouration’: Bodily Processes in Ithaca,” Robert Brazeau (University of Alberta)


Panel S.2—Room 251

Dubliners–Chair, Richard J. Gerber

Joyce’s ‘Open War’: An Argument against Priestly Innocence in ‘The Sisters,’” Michael Timins (Medical College of Wisconsin)

“Reflecting Society Through ‘Scrupulous Meanness’ in Creative Works,” Maureen McVeigh (West Chester University)

“Caught in the Middle: The Ritualized Paralysis of Joyce’s Dubliners,” Margaret Mauk (College of Charleston)


Panel S.3—Room 252

Cognition in Context: The Material of Joyce’s Esthetics—Chair, Ted Howell

“The Cognitive Disposition of Sense: Paratactic Structures in Joyce and Homer,” Barry Spence (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

“Molecules, Mind, Memory:  Late 19th Century Mental Science in Selections from Ulysses,” Sandra Tropp (Independent Scholar)

“‘The object achieves its epiphany:’ Joyce’s Vitalist Esthetics,” Ted Howell (Temple University)

 Break 10:30-11:00

Session II: 11:00-12:30

Panel S.4—Room 235

Joycean Bodies—Chair, Mark Osteen

Dubliners’ Caitiff Hands,” Mark Osteen (Loyola University Maryland)

“Joyce’s In-Between Bodies,” Vike Martina Plock (University of Exeter)

“Blocking Bodies: Dramatic Staging in James Joyce’s Ulysses,” Siân E. White (James Madison University)


Panel S.5—Room 251

Araby”—Chair, Jim LeBlanc

“From Stephen Hero to ‘Araby’: The Evolution of an Epiphany,” Richard J. Gerber (Independent Scholar)

“Two Orients: Irish Orientalism in ‘Araby,’” Rie Shimokawa (Ichinoseki National College of Technology)

“Bravely Bearing the Chalice of Childhood in Dubliners,” Jim LeBlanc (Cornell University)


Panel S.6—Room 252

American Intersections—Chair, Greg Winston (Husson University)

“Degrees of Separation:  James Joyce, Erich Segal, Zero Mostel, and Nighttown,” Vivian Valvano Lynch (St. John’s University)

“Joyce and American Evangelism,” Briana Casali (University of Miami)

“A Virulent Campaign? Examining the American Irish-Catholic Response to the Ulysses Verdict,” Stephen Butler (New York University)


Lunch 12:30-2:30


Room 252

1:00-2:15            Ulysses Reading Group: Penelope 18:840-908 (pp. 626-28; starting “I never thought that would be my name”)—Co-chairs, Austin Briggs (Hamilton College) and Michael Groden (Western University, Canada)


Session III: 2:30-4:00


Panel S.7—Room 235

 Persons—Chair, Siân E. White (James Madison University)

“From Greatness to Ghost: Ireland Betrays the Bard,” John Crawford (Winthrop University)

“More than ‘Sloppy’ Hair and ‘Baggy’ Stockings: Shedding Light on the Real Lizzie Twigg,” Elizabeth O’Connor (Marist College)

“Why can’t you beat time?—The twintessential role of John McCormack in Finnegans Wake,” Patrick Reilly (Baruch /John Jay College, City University of New York)


 Panel S.8—Room 251

 Places—Chair, Tony Thwaites (University of Queensland)

“The Imagined Community of Dubliners,” Rafael Hernandez (University of Florida)

“Less than Lovers but More than Friends: Images of Ireland in the Language of Finnegans Wake,” Diarmuid Curraoin (Independent Scholar)

“A Star Not Called James: Roddy Doyle’s Postmodern ‘Me, Mi, Mii,’” Kurt Hochenauer (University of Central Oklahoma)


Panel S.9—Room 252

 Ulysses—Chair, Raymond Leonard (Concordia University)

“‘A learner, rather’: Facing the Challenges of Teaching James Joyce in High School,” Lindsay Kerstetter (California State University, Fullerton)

 “Food and the Activation of Postmemory in Lestrygonians,” Younghee Kho (University of Tulsa)

 “‘Music. Gets on your nerves’: Reading Sirens through the Soundscape,” Bryan McCormack (Guilford Technical Community College)



Evening Event:

 7:00-10:00            Bloomsday Eve Banquet—Old Exchange Building




































For their support, the conference organizers would like to thank:

Department of English of the College of Charleston

School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the College of Charleston

Department of English of the University of South Carolina

College of Arts and Sciences of the University of South Carolina

Responses -

[…] A tentative program for the 2013 North American James Joyce Conference has been released.  The conference will take place from June 11th-15th in Charleston, South Carolina.  To view the program, registration and accommodations information, and other scheduled events at the conference, click here. […]

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