The safety and security of CofC students, faculty and staff is the College’s highest priority. The College is closely monitoring the global pandemic and how it may affect study abroad programs.
Our accommodations in Dublin, the Binary Hub student apartments, which house Trinity College students during the school year, have experienced NO cases of COVID-19 this Fall. We will not run this program unless the directors are convinced that the chance of any student having to isolate is negligible. Nevertheless, the Binary Hub has impressive contingencies in place for student isolation, meals, etc. should someone be required to isolate while staying in their facilities.
Ireland has a 5-Level system of restrictions due to the pandemic. As of February 1, 2021, Ireland is in a Level 5 lockdown (the highest level). If Ireland is at Level 1 or below, we can run the program, unless travel from the U. S. is restricted. If Ireland is at Level 3 or above, we cannot run the program. If Ireland is at Level 2, we will assess the specifics of government guidance.
Conditions that would cancel the program
(ANY of these conditions will impede the program so much as to require cancellation.)
Irish directive for Americans to quarantine or self-isolate upon arrival
Closure of public sites, such as museums, libraries, historic sites, etc.
Prohibition of public transportation in Dublin
Prohibition of classroom instruction
Severe restrictions on restaurants, pubs, etc.
Restriction to a limited geographical area around the university/dorm part of the city
Conditions we may accommodate
(Certain combinations of these conditions could require cancellation)
Mask requirements in public places
Prohibition of travel to Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK)
Prohibition of overnight travel to locations outside Dublin
Some restrictions on restaurants, pubs (such as take out or outdoor eating only)
Reminders to student travelers
(in the unlikely case that the program is cancelled while we are in Ireland)
Students are responsible for airfare in this program, and therefore they must re-book air travel, pay change fees, etc.;
Students will be reimbursed their proportion of refunds from our Binary Hub accommodations;
Courses will be completed via OAKS, Zoom, etc.