Full list of Spring 2016 events
The 1916 Easter Rising in Historical Perspective
4 April, 7pm, Alumni Center, School of Education (corner of St. Philip and Wentworth Sts.)
Part 2 of our series remembering the Easter Rising of 1916. Historian Joe Lee, director of Glucksman Ireland House at NYU, will travel to Charleston to speak about the Easter Rising. This event is co-sponsored by the Consulate General of Ireland, Atlanta. Reception before the lecture. Free and open to the public.
Charleston’s Reaction to the Easter Rising
15 March, 7pm, Addlestone Library, Rm. 227
Part 1 of our series remembering the Easter Rising of 1916. Charleston historian Stephen White discusses our city’s reaction to the historic events in Dublin as found in the Charleston News & Courier and the Evening Post. Free and open to the public.
Charleston Irish Architects
11 February, 7pm, Addlestone Library, Rm. 227
Robert Stockton lectures on such figures as James Hoban and John Devereux, internationally-known architects who practiced in Charleston. Their legacy still surrounds us. Free and open to the public.