Clubs on Campus to Get Involved

If you’re a student here at CofC, and would like to help others to vote, one way you can do so is by being involved in a club on campus. Here are some of them, along with contact information. (Special thanks to Ms. Ellen Swick for compiling this list!)

  • College Republicans:
  • Democrats at CofC:
  • CougarVotes:;
    • The primary function of CougarVotes will be to host frequent voter registration drives. Members of CougarVotes will be responsible for tabling at these drives in order to register as many new voters as possible. Additionally, CougarVotes will distribute information regarding primary elections, the electoral process, voting procedure, absentee ballots, and political candidates in order to encourage a larger and more informed young voter population. There will be a big push heading into the 2020 presidential primary and general elections, but it is our intention for this club to function in the years to come as well. Young voters should be informed about local and state elections as well as presidential elections, and this is where our focus will shift after the fall of 2020. 
  • Political Science Club:
    • The Political Science Club is a non partisan organization focused on getting students and the campus as a whole to be more politically informed and knowledgeable on the structures of government, political philosophy and current events. We emphasize engagement with the community to create a social fabric that supports freedom of thought and discussion so that we all can feel safe to discuss whatever ideas we think in a relaxed environment. We show information in the most balanced way possible and try to emphasize to our membership to avoid cognitive biases and learn to read through multiple versions of stories to learn the full scope of an issue.
  • South Carolina Politics Club
    • A nonpartisan organization promoting South Carolinian politics.
  • Turning Point USA at the College of Charleston:
    • Since the founding, Turning Point USA has embarked on a mission to build the most organized, active, and powerful conservative grassroots activist network on college campuses across the country. With a presence on over 1,300 college campuses and high schools across the country, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest-growing youth organization in America.
  •  Young Americans for Liberty:
    • Young Americans for Liberty is a student, non-profit organization that seeks to educate, train, and mobilize young people to defend the ideas of liberty. Growing from Congressman Ron Paul’s presidential bid in 2008, we promote the ideas of liberty, individualism, and limited government to grow the economy, protect the rights of Americans, and end unjust wars. 

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