Southern Spaces (Jenna Stern and Cody McLellan)

Southern Spaces Recommends - Southern Spaces

Southern Spaces is a user friendly, online-only journal, with a variety of interesting articles. When you first go to the website, it can look overwhelming at first; all of the recent articles are put on the homepage and there are so many pictures. However, there are a few buttons that make the journal easier to use. Underneath the title section, there are nine broad categories, like interviews, blogs, or articles, you can click on and visit. These are pages more generally categorized based on type of writing and not subject . Under the browse section, there are almost sixty specific topics, like foodways, African American Art, and religious studies, to choose from. By clicking on one of these, you are taken to a page dedicated to all types of writing on one of those topics. 

The articles on this journal are different in their own unique way and utilize new technologies to enhance them. Many of the articles have videos, pictures, or helpful links embedded in them, which makes the journal more engaging. You definitely don’t get bored reading the lengthy articles. Not only are these articles full of these technological resources, but they are interesting and pertinent to current events. One recent blog was about a new Supreme Court Case which went back on Brown vs. Board of Education. The blog was clearly written and provided necessary background information to understand how the case is currently affecting schools. Other articles have focused on music in the twentieth century and help people compare and contrast music from two time periods. Overall, the articles are very interesting to read.

Southern Spaces is a unique journal for everyone. The content is not so scholarly that it turns everyday readers away, but it is not too basic that you don’t feel challenged. Southern Spaces aims at reaching people of all educational backgrounds, whether teachers or even high school students, they want everyone to learn. In addition, there are so many topics that you are bound to find something interesting. It is also unique that anyone can contribute to it, without having to give up rights to their work. But first, scholars have to go through and review the essays before publication. I think this provides so many people the chance to contribute to this journal.

Southern Spaces is a digital publication, and as a group endorses their utilization of the internet, since it allows them to share their magazine’s material through multimedia (audio, video, images, and articles.) The Emory Center for Digital Scholarship funds the operation of Southern Spaces. So, because the funding source for Southern Spaces is Emory University, their base of operation is in Atlanta, Georgia, on the Emory University Campus. Everyone on the magazine editing staff is an employee of Emory University. Many of them function either out of the Robert W. Woodruff Library or the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship. Most, if not all, the staff are published scholars on various subjects in Southern Studies. The diversified background of the editorial staff allows for the magazine to include a wide array of topics and media. 

Southern Spaces started as an online publication in 2004, with the same mission statement that drives its content today. The placement of the U.S. South in the greater context of the world through the use of; articles, interviews, monographs, presentations, and more. In their first year as an online publication, Southern Spaces had mainly articles composed by university professors. Southern Spaces self identifies as a magazine that caters to the educational and non-educational communities alike. Their materials come from published doctoral professors as well as journalists, artists, and geographers. They claim to gear much of their material towards serving marginalized groups in the South, often focused on shedding light on the falsehoods of a monolithic South. 

Southern Spaces - A journal about real and imagined spaces and places of the US South and their global connections

Jenna Stern and Cody McLellan


The Southern Quarterly (Claire Filaski, Sarah Bagwell, and Emily Jolley)

The Southern Quarterly is a product of the University of Southern Mississippi, and is a scholarly journal centered around Southern arts and culture. It is published by The College of Arts and Sciences and is edited by an esteemed advisory board, featuring professors ranging from the University of Copenhagen to Duke University. Professors Karen Cox, William Dunlap, and Michael Kreyling are among the team of 16 who refine this journal into an overview of literature, paintings, theatre, and popular culture. 

Since 1962, The Southern Quarterly has been educating on “studies of Southern culture informed by such disciplines as history, folklore, anthropology, political science, and social geography” (“The Southern Quarterly”). Their focus on “the South” extends beyond the state of Mississippi; the journal explores cultures across the region and down to the Caribbean. It even features interviews with major Southern writers, composers, and artists, as well as photo essays and poems. Frequently, they post a “Call for Papers,” and encourage scholars to submit articles for upcoming issues. Here, they give a brief overview of what the issue will concern itself with, for example: “This call for a special double issue of The Southern Quarterly solicits examinations of the Southern expatriate phenomenon from interdisciplinary scholars at any stage of their career” (The Southern Quarterly”). The Southern Quarterly encourages submissions from their students and writers, and requires thorough documentations, citations, and originality in all articles and creative pieces.

The Southern Quarterly is intended to inform scholars and students who are studying cultural aspects of the South. By inviting this audience to submit works, the journal publishes a variety of genres including articles, archival documents, original poetry, essays, interviews, and portfolios. The journal also provides a style and grammatical guideline that submissions must follow in order to be published. The volume information, table of contents, covers, and editor’s introductions are available to access online through The Southern Quarterly website, and an online subscription service is available for readers as well. The layout of most online downloadable Editor’s Introductions follow a traditional format, with images, footnotes, and a works cited page included. However, the full articles are not available to download from the website. Yearly subscriptions for electronic-only, print-only, or combined mediums can be made through their website.

Some of their previous volumes address topics such as Sports in the South, Foodways in the South, The Carribean South, and Re-playing Gone With the Wind–Novel and Film. On the cover of each volume, an artwork pertaining to the topic is seen, such as a jar of Duke’s Mayonnaise painting on the front of the Foodways in the South edition. Some of the more popular editions include “Sports in the South,” which feature essays ranging from “The Life and Service of Zeke Bonura in the American Media,” by Willie Tubbs and Tony Mixon, to “Spreading the Gospel of Hoops: How Television Helped Make Atlantic Coast Conference Basketball a Cultural Fixture in the South.” This edition successfully captured the importance of sports in the South, and how the fandoms surrounding these events are as much of the game as the players themselves. Readers love the editions surrounding the Southern culture familiar to them; “Foodways in the South” became another highly successful edition of The Southern Quarterly, as readers were able to appreciate another staple of the southern lifestyle.

Overall, The Southern Quarterly is a timeless tribute to the rich culture of the South, featuring both academic and artistic ventures from the works of informed scholars and academics. Through the use of art, articles, poetry, literature, interviews, and primary sources, the journal has gained a reputable status and has established itself as a trustable source of Southern culture.


“The Southern Quarterly.” The Southern Quarterly | The University of Southern Mississippi, University of Southern Mississippi Libraries,

Study the South- Jed, Ha, Catherine

Study the South is an online journal that was founded in 2014 with the purpose of encouraging interdisciplinary academic thought and discourse on the American South and its vast culture. It was created in Oxford, Mississippi by the University of Mississippi’s Center for the Study of Southern Culture. Currently, it is edited by James G, Thomas Jr., who is the associate director for publications at the Center. He is also known for editing various works that examine southern history, such as the New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Along with Thomas, Study the South also has a ten member editorial board that examines all pieces before they are published. This board includes Ted Ownby, who was once the director of Mississippi’s Center for Study of Southern Culture. 

Study the South describes itself as a peer-reviewed, multimedia, online journal. It was created to encourage the discussion of different aspects of culture in the American South. The online journal features a range of topics in the south, including art, geography, history, literacy, and race studies. Since its main purpose is encouraging discussions on the south, it looks to feature more scholarly or academic works as opposed to popular ones. Anyone is allowed to submit a manuscript to be reviewed and possibly published by the journal, as long as the work had not been previously published elsewhere. Manuscripts are looked over by the editorial staff or board and are chosen to be accepted or rejected. Although it is only six years old, Study the South has been able to grow up to 1000 online readers. Most readers are scholars or students who have an interest in southern culture.

Since the journal is online, its website design is an important factor in keeping readers engaged. Study the South has a clean, simplistic design that uses black and white as its main colors. Most of the attention is given to the articles themselves because of this. Each one has the standard title, author, and publication date, but they are also given a photo to help give readers an idea of what it will be discussing. Each article is put in chronological order according to its publishing date in order to make viewing easier for readers. What makes Study the South unique is its simplicity in web design and its dedication to their original purpose. The website focuses the attention towards the articles which shows they stay true to their hopes of having more meaningful conversations about the American South. Study the South stays true to their origins by ensuring the information is what stays most important.

“Toward Freedom: A Reading of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice” written by Margaret Pless is a recent article published on the many symbols of racism. She focuses on many monuments and statues that honor the Confederates and major slave supporters. The many statues and monuments littered around the south embody white supremacy and many people refuse to see the racial issues that come with them. She emphasizes that “When Confederate monuments exalt white supremacy, they perpetuate our forgetfulness of these historical roots”, and history will repeat if the evil behind these statues are forgotten. The first half of the article focuses on the history of slavery and how many people forget about an important group during the Civil War. Not only did it include the Confederates that fought for their rights to own slaves and the Union that fought to stay unified, but also the enslaved African American that fought for their freedom. The second half of the article focuses on the National Memorial for Peace and Justice grounds situated in Montgomery, Alabama. This place features many monuments that represent the horrors of racism towards African Americans, starting with the transatlantic slave trade. For example, one section focuses on the heart of the memorial, a huge monument dedicated to victims of lynching. To summarize, this article focuses on the meaning behind monuments and the importance of showing history rather than honoring of Confederacy. 

Another recent article that was published to Study the South is called “Vanishing Acts: Civil Rights Reform and Dramatic Inversion in Douglas Turner Ward’s Day of Absence.” This article deals with the African American community and how Martin Luther King Jr.’s words inspired a dramatic play written by Douglas Turner Ward called Day of Absence. The play came out in 1965 in response to the 1964 decision regarding African American equal rights. The article states that “Ward creates a work concerned with figuring the value of Black labor through absenting the Black body” (Avilez). This is an extremely unique way to show the value of black life and labor to the white community at that time. The play “plays” off of the “exploration of civil rights concerns and provides the basis for dramatic inversions that critique social inequities.” (Avilez). This article, in conclusion, is a perfect example of how Study the South is constantly giving the spotlight to Southern related stories that may not have received the recognition they deserve. For example, as someone who has (and have been) performing and studying theatrical productions all of his life, I have never heard of or seen anything related to Days of Absence. That doesn’t change the fact that Days of Absence provides viewers with a wealth of information that is ridiculously important to the development of our world today. Study the South has allowed me (and so many others) to see important stories like this come to fruition. Study the South, in this respect, is NOT as much for the purpose of entertainment but more for the purpose of informing readers. This is why Study the South proves to be extremely important to the preservation and understanding of southern culture. 

Southern Cultures Profile

Southern Cultures is a peer reviewed journal published by UNC for the Center of Studies for the American South. It was founded by sociologist John Shelton Reed and historian Henry Watson in 1993 and has gained a large following since. Despite the fact that he founded the magazine, Reed wanted to name it Southern Culture, singular, but was outvoted as many of his peers felt that there was no singular southern culture and that the magazine should represent all voices in the South. The journal is currently edited by Ayşe Erginer, Marcie Cohen Ferris, and Tom Rankin. Southern Cultures is not your typical journal. They publish everything from photo essays and original artwork to interviews and creative nonfiction. They pride themselves in having representation from every corner of the South and from every perspective. They work to present more voices about the Southern identity and to increase the world’s understanding of the American South, as a whole. 

The magazine is primarily authored by Southerners, though there is a minority hailing from the Northeast and West Coast. Southern Cultures can be read by anyone, though its subject matter lends itself more to Southerners, or those who have a connection to the region. However, the magazine does not just publish articles on stereotypical “Southern” things; in just a quick scan over the Summer 2020 page, a reader might find an article about misconceptions about Asian-Americans, or a profile of artist Susan Harbage Page, and her relationship with her United States citizenship. The magazine can be read online, but one can also purchase a physical subscription, with the options of $40 for one year or $70 for two for United States subscribers or $72 for a year and $144 for two for an international subscription

The format of the website is very appealing, and easy to read: upon opening it, the first thing that comes up is the featured article of the week. Below that are several other articles that relate to the South and its culture. From the home page, you can go to the “About” tab to learn about the journal and what it stands for, the “Summer ‘20” tab to see several of the most popular and relevant articles from this summer, the “Issues” tab to browse all the issues on the site, the Events tab to find things such as launch parties, a “Films tab”, a “Shop” tab, and a “Newsletter” tab where one can read it or start a subscription. As far as what the physical issues look like, they often feature covers showing art from Southern artists having to do with the content of that issue. This week’s feature, “It Was A Place of Infamy,” focuses on a set of photographs from Perry County Jail and what that location has to do with the larger Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Organizers who worked with King to recruit the youth to the movement like James Orange were sent to the jail on charges such as “‘disorderly conduct’ and ‘contributing to the delinquency of minors.’” The article then goes into how the myrder of a local deacon led to the protests becoming progressively more heated. Other recent articles include “Cancer Alley,” an article focusing on a large port and trade area stretching from Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico and how many of its economic and cultural problems stem from the colonialism on which America was founded, and “Cut it Clean,” an article that focuses on the art and culture surrounding oyster shucking and a little bit on the challenges faced by women and people of color in that field. All of this paints a picture of a very scholarly journal that takes small and unique instances and stories in the South to shed light on some of the larger issues and cultural phenomena in the region.


Oxford American (Julia Kempton and Colin Burke)

Oxford American is a quarterly literary magazine that is published by The Oxford Literary Project, Inc. along with the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) and it is based in Little Rock, Arkansas. The magazine describes itself as being “dedicated to featuring the best in Southern writing while documenting the complexity and vitality of the American South.” Part of what makes Oxford American different from other popular publications is that they recognize how diverse many communities are in the south. Along with that, they try to focus on all of these different areas, communities, and stories to make sure that the entirety of southern culture can be seen and encompassed by their publications. 

Eliza Borné was named the editor in 2015 after the previous editor, Roger D. Hodge, left the magazine earlier in the year. A wide variety of writers contribute to Oxford American. The magazine’s website calls for “personal essays, narrative journalism, and short dispatches and meditations” that address the topic of the issue. Fiction and nonfiction submissions are welcomed, and the list of contributors includes Z.Z. Packer, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Jesmyn Ward, Wendell Berry, John Updike, Leslie Jamison, and many emerging authors.

Oxford American’s content is definitely aimed for the general public and people who are interested in the Southern United States. These are mostly articles talking about various topics that can relate to the south in a variety of ways. This includes music, food, or even southern literature. So, this magazine is definitely more popular due to a lack of scholarly peer reviewed papers. Even though Oxford American appeals to the general public, its audience is mostly middle and upper class. According to the magazine’s demographics sheet, 99% of readers have a college education and the median household income is above $75k. In addition, most readers are in a professional/managerial occupation.

The first publication of Oxford American began in late 1989 in Oxford, Mississippi with Marc Smirnoff as the editor. He decided that there was a need in the South for a magazine similar to the New Yorker, which would focus on the writers and culture of the region. Smirnoff wrote to many famous writers, including John Updike, Richard Ford, and William Steig and asked them to send in contributions for the magazine he had titled Oxford American as a play on H.L. Mencken’s magazine The American Mercury. Several responded and contributed to the magazine. However, in the middle of 1994 the first publication stopped production after a lack of funding. In 1995, John Grisham, a famous novelist who is a native of Oxford, secured enough money to begin the second publication of Oxford American. Again, the magazine ended publication in 2001 as it did not work well as a business venture. The third publication began in 2002 with its headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas, but low advertising revenue forced it to stop production for a third time only a year later. These first three versions were published entirely in print. The final version of the magazine began publishing in December 2004 as a quarterly after the University of Central Arkansas collected enough funding. Although Oxford American went through an embezzlement scandal in 2008 and owed $700,000 to the university in 2012, the fourth iteration of the magazine is still in widespread circulation and the publication recently released its 100th issue. The currently running publication is mostly in print and mailed out quarterly. However, it is also published online with the magazines available to purchase and select articles available for free as well. As of 2019 there are around 9,000 subscriptions to the magazine as well as it being available in thousands of retail locations. 

A recent example of an article from the magazine would be one titled Hunger for the Water from the Summer 2020 issue. Here they talk about the Lowcountry of Louisiana and the role that the water plays there. The article goes into detail about one woman who had lived there her entire life who shows the significance of the water. She owns a restaurant and has published a cookbook and the article ends with a recipe from that book. It is available for free on the website if you are interested in reading it for yourself.

With the magazine focusing on the south it uses lots of southern art and most of the covers for recent magazines have depicted such art, prominent figures from the south, or images that encompass the south in some way. Such examples can be seen below.

The Bitter Southerner (Meleana Cabales and Beck Smith)

The Bitter Southerner is a magazine publication that was originally published on the night of August 6, 2013 and is based in Atlanta, Georgia. It all began when Chuck Reece, one of the magazine’s co-founders, and his wife spent a week in New Orleans. They experienced the many amazing qualities of the city, one of which being the bar scene and its unique barkeeps. Soon after their return home, Drinks International released their list of top 50 bars in the world and not only was there not a single bar in New Orleans on the list, but there wasn’t even a single bar in the South. Reece states that after reading this he “felt a familiar twinge of bitterness” and planned to find the South’s best barkeeps and recruited a group of designers, photographers, videographers, and many more to help him tell their stories. And that was what started it all and how Reece decided there was a far larger story to be told. The South is a mystery to everyone who doesn’t live in it, it’s an enigma to the rest of the world. This is why the magazine describes itself as having an aim to uncover the true complex American South and to begin to break widespread stereotypes about the region as a whole.

Chuck Reece – Co-Founder and current Editor of the Bitter Southerner

The magazine is currently edited by Chuck Reece, but he will soon be leaving the publication to support his wife’s business. It still has not been confirmed who will be taking his place but it could be very likely that one of his co-founders will fill his role. The Bitter Southerner is a very interesting magazine because most of its stories are written by anyone who wants to submit a story to the magazine. The website lists its writers as people with careers ranging from musicians to bakers to actual writers, but what is clear is that the magazine accepts stories from anyone with something important to say about the South. Their messages don’t even need to be written, as the magazine publishes images as well as videos, allowing for a wide range of contributors and an immersive experience.     

The Bitter Southerner’s mission is to share the South that not many outsiders know or understand. It was written for Southerners who felt misrepresented and those who were willing to see the region from a different perspective. Today, the publication is read in all 50 states and in at least 105 countries. It’s accessible to a very diverse demographic because it is a primarily online publication. Weekly articles are written for the Internet so that it may attain its goal of educating a larger population about the true stories of the South.  However, the publication also produces podcasts, videos, and folklore projects. By the end of 2013, four months after its launch, The Bitter Southerner had about 27,000 visitors to their site and 5,200 subscribers. It quickly grew in popularity and attracted many more people over the years. By the end of 2017, they reported having 700,000 website visitors (that year) and 25,000 weekly subscribers. In addition, their social media presence became more significant and every platform experienced a robust increase in followers/likes.

The Bitter Southerner is more popular than scholarly in its nature. It is written by common, everyday people from the South and intended to reach a wide, general audience. The language and rhetoric used is easy to understand and relate to. The focus of the publication is to showcase true, albeit lesser-known, stories of the South, so it is meant to have a more popular character. The Bitter Southerner is unique in the way it portrays the South. It doesn’t seek to represent the South as everyone else in the country seems to see it. The publication’s mission is to debunk myths and outline a brighter, more progressive future for the region. It is a bit more unorthodox, and maybe a bit controversial to some.

Featured image from the article “The Last Earthy Sweetness”.

The publication’s website is sleek, modern, and to-the-point. When scrolling through feature articles, you see bold and eye-capturing fonts superimposed on a striking visual. The aesthetic of the digital platform is appealing and attractive. Each post also includes supporting images that keep the article from being only text. They aim to involve the reader and keep them engaged. Featured articles include stories based on anything from food to music. A recent article, “This Last Earthy Sweetness”, discusses how to grow sorghum. It was written in second-person so that the reader can put themselves in a sorghum farmer’s shoes and see the process from their perspective. Instead of a step-by-step instructional manual, this article described typical experiences one might have if they were to raise sorghum crops. It accomplished the publication’s goal of informing others about Southern lives.

Professor Harriet Pollack (English) (Edited)

Professor Harriet Pollack is an affiliate professor of American Literature at the College of Charleston. Professor Pollack received her BA from Sarah Lawrence College and Haverford College and her PhD from University of Virginia. Before coming to the college, Professor Pollack lived in Senegal with her husband, who was doing field work, taught at Sweet Briar College in Virginia, and then taught at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania.

Though Professor Pollack was born and raised in Pennsylvania, Pollack has a long and deep connection to the South, and Southern literature. Most of her work revolves around the idea of the South as a narrative written on symbolic bodies – the “lady’s” body, the “black” body. As she explains, “rules of social order and the body politic are written on flesh, figuratively and literally, a fact particularly evident in U.S. history and literature, thick with traumatic recollections of black bodies transported, displaced, sold, and brutalized, and white female bodies guarded, protected, restrained, and punished.”  Her book, Eudora Welty’s Fiction and Photography: The Body of the Other Woman considers a recurring pattern that pairs a sheltered young “lady” and an “othered” woman—underclass, foreign, or black. Pollack explained, “The othered woman, who is not a ‘ lady’ models ‘making a spectacle of herself’ for the girl character who is fascinated while she herself considers escaping cultural protections in favor of self-exposure.”

Today, Professor Pollack is off campus at her home in Mount Pleasant, SC. Right now, Professor Pollack is publishing a book series, “Critical Perspectives on Eudora Welty,” and for it, is creating a volume tentatively titled Eudora Welty and Mystery. For that collection she is writing an essay about Welty’s civil-rights-era novel Losing Battles, in which a comic mystery leads to sudden murder confession, and a black man hung for a white man’s crime, without consequences.

Aside from her many accomplishments, Professor Pollack is a friendly and humorous individual, who I very much enjoyed interviewing. My favorite moment of the interview came when I asked Professor Pollack how she’d like to be addressed, and I listed off options including Doctor, Professor and Ms. Professor Pollack responded with a smile and said, “just Harriet.”


Dr. Bernard Powers – African American and Slavery Studies

Dr. Bernard Powers is a departmental director and professor emeritus at the College of Charleston whose research focuses on African American history and culture and slavery’s role in American history.  

Dr. Powers began studying history at Northwestern University. During his time there, he developed a specialized interest in American history. With a pre-developed interest in African Studies, Powers’ interests in African American and slavery studies began to take shape after observing the late Dr. Sterling Stuckey. Stuckey was a distinguished professor emeritus of history at the University of California, Riverside. He specialized in American slavery, the arts and history, and Afro-American intellectual and cultural history. Dr. Powers graduated from Northwestern University with a M.A. and Ph.D. in American history. Powers’ research of slavery in America inherently brought about a strong connection to Southern Studies.

Throughout the majority of Charleston and general South Carolina history, the region was populated by a majority of African Americans. 40% of all slaves that were brought into America were imported via the Charleston harbor. African Americans, as a result, had an especially large impact on the cultural development of the region. This piqued Dr. Powers’ interests and drew him to the College of Charleston. He began teaching history at the college in 1992 and taught until 2018. In 2018, he founded and began directing the Center for the Study of Slavery in Charleston (CSSC). This program studies the influence and activity of African American slaves in the Charleston area and, more specifically, at the College of Charleston. CSSC is a part of a broader organization that studies the relationship between slaves and Universities. The organization is called the University Studying Slavery Consortium and it is a multi-institutional collaboration. Dr. Powers describes CSSC as a, “think tank,” that answers important questions about the role of both slaves and slaveholders in the running and construction of the College of Charleston.

Dr. Powers works often with projects independent of the College of Charleston. Powers is currently the president of the International African American Museum located on the Cooper River in Charleston. The museum has been in the works for over 20 years and is projected to open in 2022. It will be the premier African American museum in the Southeast. Dr. Powers has also done research on the African Methodist Church. AME was the first African American independent religious denomination in the country and its presence in America lies directly in Powers’ field of study.

 Powers also researches the modern sociopolitical aspects of the confederate monuments across the South and specifically in Charleston. He believes that the removal of the John C. Calhoun monument was a huge step in the right direction for the Charleston community. He says that, despite his thorough knowledge in the field, he never would’ve expected the monument to come down in his lifetime. Powers believes that this is one of the most fascinating and exciting things about his studies and says that, oftentimes, “you think you understand a situation, then something comes out of left field and surprises you.” He is now working to install monuments of important, positive African American historical figures where the confederates once stood.

Dr. Annette Watson (Political Science)

Dr. Annette Watson is a geographer who works as an Associate Professor in the Political Science department at CofC with a specialty in Human Environmental Geography. She teaches courses on environmental geography, Indigenous/Native American studies, and political ecology. Her research has focused on subsistence economies of North America, natural resource management, and the effect of climate change on indigenous wildlife policy. Dr. Watson got a B.A. in Human Ecology from College of the Atlantic, an M.A. in Northern Studies from University of Alaska-Fairbanks, and a Ph.D. in Geography from University of Minnesota.

At the College of Charleston, Dr. Watson teaches Reading the Lowcountry Landscape (GEOG 219), where students learn about the coastal area of the South where CofC is located. In this class, students use a variety of geographical techniques to analyze places in the Lowcountry. Dr. Watson has also contributed to the field of Southern Studies by collaborating with several Gullah/Geechee communities to “understand their connection to the ecology of the Sea Islands” and the effect of gentrification on their economies. She even participates in the Gullah/Geechee Sustainability Think Tank, which consists of community representatives and academics who research local Gullah communities. Through her collaborations, she has focused on the subsistence economies of these communities. In terms of her personal connection with the South, she says that she has “lived in Charleston since 2008, when [she] first was hired to teach at the College.” Along the way, she has developed many personal and professional relationships with the people who live in the region.

Dr. Watson told me that historical artifacts like “the shell midden rings left by Indigenous cultures from thousands of years ago” and “the sites of some of the earliest European settlement in the colonial era” are a major part of what makes the South such a unique place.” She noted that the varied histories that exist in the South provoke different responses across the cultures of the South and beyond. This is part of what she calls the continuous negotiation of Southern culture. The rich and diverse history of the region is what “produces the uniqueness of the South (and its sub-regions)”, according to Dr. Watson.

 Currently, Dr. Watson is continuing her research on Gullah/Geechee communities in the Lowcountry. She also recently conducted research on wildlife management and salmon fisheries conflict. Finally, Dr. Watson expressed her hope that some students in this class take her Reading the Lowcountry Landscape class at some point!


Prof. Adam Jordan (Teacher Education)

Adam Jordan is a professor here at the College in the department of teacher education with a specialization in special education, specifically concerning behavior. He got his undergraduate degree in special education in social studies from the University of Georgia, and then went on to complete his postgraduate degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He began teaching at an alternative school in Chapel Hill for grades 6-12, but then moved to Georgia to continue teaching there. Later, he found a job opportunity in Charleston, and has been here since then. He is a frequent contributor to The Bitter Southerner where he writes about education in the South, and he also has written multiple articles for Mouth of the South which is a blog attached to the All Y’all Social Justice Collective.

Dr. Jordan was born and raised in the South, so he has a deep connection to the area. He acknowledges that there are both good and bad things about the region, saying, “There is a duality of the South, and I like that duality.” Despite the negative stereotypes of the South, there are also many positive goods, like the fact that the Civil Rights movement started down in the South. He feels that it is important to address the issues we face, like Charleston being one of the most gentrified and racially segregated cities in the present day. He also helped found and now run the All Y’all Social Justice Collective, as mentioned previously, which is “a nonprofit focused on teacher professional development around issues of justice for teachers in the South.” Its main focus is to work with teachers for professional development, rather than “to” them and making them pay large sums of money.

— by Kevin Riley