Public events

At least once this semester, you must attend a public event, such as a lecture or a rally.  In a word processing document, respond to the items in this form and turn it in through the Homework dropbox in OAKS.

 Thursday, October 15, 7 p.m., Alumni Center, EHHP buildingBrian Norman lecture, “What Are These Bodies Doing in the River?”  Civil Rights Martyrs and the Cultural Imagination.  

Thursday, October 15, 7:00 p.m., Stern Center Ballroom  Patrisse Cullors is a social activist and co-creator of the viral Twitter hashtag and movement, #BlackLivesMatter. An established community leader and performance artist trained under the founder of politically expressive theater, Cullors raises awareness to issues, specifically law enforcement accountability, through a unique blend of activism and art. This event will also include a Meet and Greet at 5:00 p.m. as well as a Candle Lighting Ceremony at 8:00 p.m. For more information: Melissa Moore (


Past Events:

Annual Labor Day Celebration Monday September 7, 2015. This year we will explore the theme Living Wages on Labor Day through four lenses: Wage Theft in food and beverage; Adjunct Faculty, Minority Communities and Union Movements.  Panelists will be leading  breakout sessions to facilitate greater audience contributions.

Tuesday, September 8th at 3:00pm, Education Center, Room 118   Film Screening hosted by the Program in the Carolina Lowcountry and Atlantic World: “Mississippi: Is This America?,” 5th Episode from the acclaimed documentary series Eyes on the PrizeAmerica’s Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1985    

Monday, September 14, 6pm, Addlestone Library, 227  Film screening of Four Little Girls, sponsored by CofC’s Race and Social Justice Initiative.

Mayoral Forum on Equity, 18 September, 6:30, Burke High School Auditorium

 Mayoral Forum, 30 September, 5:30, Charleston Music Hall. FREE – Reserve Your Seat Through the ‘Buy Tickets’ Button.  See the six major candidates to replace Joe Riley as mayor of your city.

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