Category Archives: Uncategorized

Donald Trump

Click on Donald Trump, and you’ll see the live link to the event on Monday.  Also, anyone who wants to go to the film, Brooklyn, at the Terrace Theater on James Island, at 7pm today, you can use that for a public EVENT (not meeting).  Similarly, the Trump rally would count as a public event.

Office hours

Students, I have to cover someone else’s class today, so I cannot make my office hours this morning, Tuesday, 11-noon.  My apologies for the short notice.

Final paper

Specifications for the final paper are available under the Papers tab.  Be sure to sign up for a conference slot through Google Drive.  If you did not get an invitation to the sign up sheet, contact me via email.

Monday’s homework

Create a PowerPoint, Keynote, or Prezi presentation that outlines what you’re going to do in your final paper. You must have at least one slide devoted to each of the following: History of your issue Identification and analysis of your audience (imagine you are trying to persuade whomever makes a decision regarding your issue) Refutation […]

Annotated bibliography

For homework Wednesday, due at the end of class:  an annotated bibliography on your research topic that includes at least five sources, including at least one written by an expert with an expert audience in mind.  (We’ll discuss what that means in class.)  Review the Purdue OWL site for more info on annotated bibliographies.  The […]

Loewen chapter

What’s your reaction to the Jim Loewen chapter on the burning of Columbia, SC?  Do you agree with his conclusions?  Do you disagree?  Why?  Argue with each other if you see someone who has posted a response that you disagree with.


Due next Monday:  write a 500-word evaluation of a historical monument or marker somewhere in Charleston.  Your task is to determine how the monument interprets the history of this person, event, etc.; and to judge whether that interpretation is accurate and just.  Turn it in through OAKS dropbox.  Persuade readers you’re right.

Research question

What is “school choice” and how is it practiced in CCSD?  Hayley, Hunter, Caty, Madison where is funding for schools coming from? How is it divided?  Emily, Caitlyn, Sidney, Victoria How to create incentive for students to succeed? Do mentorship programs succeed? Should those be established in high schools?  Parker, Ali, Hannah, Wilson Is there […]