Research question

By | October 12, 2015
  1. What is “school choice” and how is it practiced in CCSD?

 Hayley, Hunter, Caty, Madison

  1. where is funding for schools coming from? How is it divided?

 Emily, Caitlyn, Sidney, Victoria

  1. How to create incentive for students to succeed? Do mentorship programs succeed? Should those be established in high schools?

 Parker, Ali, Hannah, Wilson

  1. Is there a way to increase resources for teachers? What resources do teachers need that they do not have?

 Heleen, Meg, Stephanie, Choral

  1. How to deal with behavioral issues?

Tanner, Phillip, Sid, Megan

One thought on “Research question

  1. Sid

    to research this, we are going to need to look at crime rates in the schools area. We are also going to have too look specifically at the crime rates of the students.
    We will need to see the crime rates of the surrounding schools, also- compare the ways safer school are implying security and discipline.
    I recommend steeper punishments and starting at an earlier age. More counseling in elementary schools to try and stop the problems in their tracks.


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