Monthly Archives: September 2015

Friday’s summary homework

Summary Essay

Write a 500-600 word summary of “The Boundaries of Bohemia.” Imagine that your reader is a well-educated person who has not read the essay. Your purpose is to write a short synopsis that will substitute for reading the essay itself. Therefore, you must:

  1. identify the essay’s main purpose: what is the writer trying to persuade his or her readers to believe?
  2. sketch the general outline of the essay: how does the writer organize his or her arguments? What are the main divisions in the essay?
  3. identify the most important assertions: these will be closely related to the essay’s organization—or should be closely related, if the writer is effective
  4. include at least one example of the writer’s evidence in support of one of those assertions.


  1. express your own opinion of the writer’s thesis or main assertions
  2. add your own arguments to support or contradict the writer’s assertions

Write your essay in MSWord or an equivalent word processing program, and submit to the DropBox in OAKS, which you access through MyCharleston.