Fall 2023 Advanced Studies Courses

The Advanced Studies requirement can be fulfilled by taking either an upper level special topics seminar or an upper-level course within a specific discipline. Honors Advanced Studies courses are defined by deep analysis and classroom discourse, reminiscent of the type of dynamic learning environment a student would encounter in a graduate-level environment. Courses are designed to encourage students to synthesize information from divergent sources and then derive novel conclusions and innovative solutions. Note that…

  • All Honors College students are required to complete at least one Honors Advanced Studies course
  • Advanced Studies courses count towards the 22 HONS credit requirement
  • Students may take additional Advanced Studies courses as an Honors elective
  • Advanced Studies courses do not count towards the College’s General Education requirements

The prerequisite(s) for all Honors Advanced Studies courses are as follows: At least one Honors Foundation course and at least one Honors Colloquium course, plus any additional prereqs imposed on a particular course.

HONS 293 Honors Organic Chemistry
Instructor Brooke Van Horn
TR 9:25-10:40 a.m.
Lab: M 1:00-4:00 p.m.

This course provides a qualitative introduction to concepts of kinetic and thermodynamic control of the reactions and applications of organic compounds in materials science and biology.

Prerequisite(s): HONS 192 and HONS 192L with a grade of D+ or higher and MATH 120.
Co-requisite(s): HONS 293L, MATH 220 is recommended.

HONS 390-01 Do You Hear What I Hear?
Instructor: Mark Landis
MW 3:25-4:40 p.m.

This course examines sound and music effects as components of the films and plays that we watch. We will look at the evolution of such audio effects in both the live theatre and in motion pictures with examples from both, and, most importantly, we will consider the impacts such sound and music have on all of us in the audience. Our assumptions, our emotions, and our assessments of the actions we see depicted on stage and screen are all nudged in particular directions by the sounds that are layered beyond the spoken words of its characters.

HONS 390-02 Managing Development & Global Policy
Instructor Dustin Daniels
R 4:30-7:15 p.m.

This course examines macro and micro level strategies toward understanding how global development and policy approaches are developed, measured, and deployed around the world. This course will also focus on helping students to develop an organizational and systems approach toward understanding how global policy and development actions taken at both large and small scale levels contribute to solutions, challenges, and outcomes on an international scale. We will focus on questions such as: 

What is poverty and development? How do governments and multilateral organizations, such as the World Bank or United Nations, develop policies and strategies that hurt or help economic growth? What incentives and organizational drivers guide the behavior of businesses, non-profits, and public organizations in an international development context? What tools or approaches can be used to measure the impact of specific policies, programs, or interventions that seek to improve livelihoods or increase economic output?

The class goes beyond a literature review, and allows students to hone the entrepreneurial skills necessary to work in the international development space by offering students an opportunity to practice with case studies and contemporary issues.

HONS 390-04 Honors ImpactX
Instructor: David Wyman
TR 12:15 – 1:30 p.m.

Impact X is a three credit class that assists you and your new team in forming a new venture where success is focused on solving social and environmental problems, while making a profit. This course describes entrepreneurship as a process of economic or social value creation, rather than the single event of opening a business. Reflecting recent research, the course focuses on opportunity recognition, business model generation and lean startup. Students will research and develop a repeatable, scalable business model. Since its inception, Impact X has formed over 75 startup teams that have created innovative, for-profit solutions that improve people’s lives and the planet. All students are assisted by local business professionals as mentors. The Impact X class culminates in a Shark Tank type DEMO Day where students have the opportunity to pitch their projects and win prizes.

*Open to Honors students of all interests, backgrounds, and majors. Students can enroll directly through MyPortal when registration opens; no application necessary.

HONS 390-05 Vampires!
Instructor Irina Erman
TR 10:50-12:05

This class examines the popular figure of the Eastern European vampire by analyzing literature and films from Russia, Ukraine, France, Britain, and the United States. By studying vampirism historically and comparatively, we will learn that vampires – although they may not have reflections – have long reflected social anxieties about alterity, particularly in regard to gender, sexuality, race, religion, and nationality.



*Please note that Fall 2022 course offerings may be subject to change