All Students
Please compose 1-2 substantial paragraphs in response to each of the following eight questions regarding your Honors Engaged experience. You should answer each question individually and number them accordingly.
Focus on responding to the questions with formal answers that speak to your own experience in order to complete this final assignment for HONS 103B – Honors Engaged II. There will be a separate evaluation survey through which we invite your thoughts about the Honors Engaged program more generally.
This is due April 21st by 11:59 PM in your HONS 103A – Honors Engaged II OAKS dropbox Honors Engaged Final Report and Reflection. You MUST submit this assignment to the correct OAKS Dropbox as a pdf or word doc by the deadline to complete the Honors Engaged requirement and pass HONS 103B.
- Describe the main issues in the Charleston community your project seeks to address.
- Describe the specific work you performed to address these issues, either directly or indirectly. Remember, specific work can include volunteer/service hours, research, and discussions.
- Describe the impact of your work for others and for yourself. How did your work make an impact on the issues your project seeks to address? Remember, you have done a lot of work this year, so you should not discount that now by concluding that an unfinished project is an unsuccessful one.
- Describe some barriers to addressing the issues you faced, either in your specific project or in the broader community. Do not focus on transportation or scheduling. Think more about large-scale barriers such as lack of community buy-in, slow-moving governmental processes, unclear communication of the project’s mission to external constituents, etc.
- Discuss some concrete, active ways you can continue to engage the main issues your project seeks to address going forward. This may include, but should go beyond, advocating to family and friends. Future engagement could include partnerships on campus, internship experiences, or even your Bachelor’s Essay.
Part II: Reflect
- What was the most significant thing you learned through your Honors Engaged experience? Think both theoretically and practically. How will you use that learning as an individual, a member of a community, and a professional going forward?
- How did your perspective of civic engagement evolve during your Honors Engaged experience? Consider the work you did last semester and your initial impressions of civic engagement, social justice, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, etc.
- What advice would you give an incoming first-year student beginning to work in your specific Honors Engaged project? Consider what you wish you knew before starting Honors Engaged, some challenges you faced, and how you overcame them?