Dr. Cara Delay discusses new book and sabbatical research

Join Dr. Delay and Dr. Sundstrom Tuesday, October 27 as they discuss “Reproductive Justice in Comparative Perspective: US/Ireland.” This sabbatical talk is also a book launch for their joint publication, Birth Control: What Everyone Needs to Know.

We recently spoke with Dr. Delay on how the book came about. She had this to say:

“This book, which is co-written with Beth Sundstrom in Communication/Public Health, came out of research that the Women’s Health Research Team at CofC has been doing for several years. It combines an analysis of scientific evidence with a unique historical perspective and dozens of interviews with ordinary women to provide a current guide on birth control for all people, including members of the LGBTQ+community.

Fun fact: the amazing cover image, a papercut of a uterus, was created by the extraordinary feminist artist Ali Harrison.”

The live event starts at 3:30: bit.ly/birthcontrolbook

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