With the generous support of the Quattlebaum Artist-in Residence Endowment, the HPCP Program in the Department of Art History presents the second lecture in our series by international practitioners of architectural preservation and conservation.
Director, International Conservation Center, Citté di Roma, Acre, Israel
‘Challenges in Preserving an Historic City – the case study of the Old City of Acre (northern Israel)’
Monday, October 20, 2014 @ 7:00 PM
Simons Center Room 309
Reception to Follow
Free & Open to the Public
HPCP Majors will be especially interested in the lecture if they have interest in studying abroad and doing some real hands-on preservation/conservation work? HPCP has got just the program for you. The lecture will be a chance to learn about preservation in Acre Israel and the proposed study abroad program being set up with the International Conservation Center, Citté di Roma. The proposed study abroad opportunity between the College of Charleston and the Israel Antiquities Authority would take place at the UNESCO World Heritage site in Acre, Israel. Acre is a renowned historic city for its exemplary Crusader (1104-1291) and Ottoman (1517-1918) period architecture. Students may have an opportunity for a whole semester abroad!