If you’re like me, you have access to mailboxes other than your own, but how do you access them in Office 365? Here are two easy ways:
If you are already logged into your own account online, simply click your picture in the upper right corner, then select “Open another mailbox…” Type in the name of the mailbox you would like to access, and click Open. The mailbox will open in a separate tab in your browser.
If you are not logged into your own account, you can log in directly to your group mailbox by going to https://outlook.office365.com/owa/mailboxname@cofc.edu – replace “mailboxname” in this link with the name of the mailbox you want to reach. When prompted, enter your own email credentials to access the mailbox.
Office 365 Tip – How to Open a Group Mailbox
If you’re like me, you have access to mailboxes other than your own, but how do you access them in Office 365? Here are two easy ways: