Power Saving Tips

Power Saving Tips

Save power & money: check the sleep setting on your computer. Even LCD monitors use power and when they are sitting idle they can be set to power down automatically.

Here’s how you do it:

On Windows XP computers:

  1. Right click anywhere on your wallpaper and choose “properties” from the pop-up menu that appears.
  2. Click “Screen Saver” tab at the top of the next box that appears.
  3. Then click the “Power” button at the bottom of the next window.
  4. Recommended setting for these options are;
    1. Turn off monitor: After 20 mins
    2. Turn off hard disks: After 1 hour
    3. System Standby time: Never
    4. System hibernates: Never
  5. After you have adjusted these settings to your preference click “Ok” and then “Ok” again.

For Macintosh Computers…

  1. Click on the Apple in the top left hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on “System Preferences” in the menu that appears.
  3. Next Click on “Energy Saver” (looks like a light bulb).
  4. Drag the slider bars to the left to lower the sleep times. Recommended settings are:
    1. Put the computer to sleep when inactive for: 30 mins
    2. Put the displays(s) to sleep when the computer is inactive for: 20 mins
  5. Check “Put hard disks to sleep when possible”.

You can of course adjust the setting to suit your particular needs depending on how “Green” you want to be. If you need assistance contact Helpdesk@cofc.edu.

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