Wireless Changes

The College of Charleston wireless guest network is being redesigned! The new design will allow our guests to receive longer expiration timeouts and better bandwidth than before.

With these changes, cofc-guest will require one of the following to gain access:

  • Google account
  • Facebook account
  • SMS compatible cell phone
  • Valid email address


Keep in mind, the guest network is for use by College visitors only. Please remember that campus community members (faculty, staff, students) should NOT be using cofc-guest, as is stated in our College Policy and Procedures.

Faculty, staff, and students may connect to wireless using Eduroam. Eduroam is a global network of Wi-Fi hotspots that enables members of the College community to access secure wireless networks at thousands of universities around the U.S. and the world, using only the CofC login credentials.


Click here to read more about Eduroam.

Click here for help with connecting to Eduroam.

Click here to read more about wireless access on campus.



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Microsoft OneDrive is Available

Would you like to be able to access your files from anywhere?

You can access OneDrive anywhere that you have Internet access, so this is a great option if you need access to your files even when off campus. CofC Employees already have OneDrive, and it’s easy to use!

  1. Log into your CofC employee email account at https://outlook.office365.com.
  2. Then click the waffle (3×3 squares) and choose OneDrive.
  3. Click the dropdown arrow next to Upload and choose either Files or Folders.
  4. Navigate to and choose the item you would like to upload.
  5. Click the Upload button.

Employees get up to 1 TB of storage. Find videos and additional training materials on Microsoft’s website:

Microsoft One Drive Training


Some things to keep in mind:

  • OneDrive is for official College business only.
  • Please do not upload your iTunes library, personal pictures,etc. to OneDrive.
  • Do not save your entire local drive to OneDrive – only College-related data please.

OneDrive is for official College business only. Please do not upload your iTunes library, personal pictures, etc. to OneDrive. Also, do not save your entire local drive to OneDrive – only College-related data please. It is up to you to ensure you are abiding by College standards when using the service. Check policy guidelines before moving Protected Information to OneDrive. Refer to the College’s Privacy Policy and Procedure on the Security of Protected Information at http://policy.cofc.edu/documents/11.1.pdf

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How to Connect to a Network Printer

This article provides instructions for faculty and staff to connect to a CofC network printer. Students may visit the Student Computing Blog for assistance: http://blogs.charleston.edu/scs/printing/


First, please note that you must be connected to the CofC network in order to add or print to a network printer.


The most commonly used print servers are:



Use one of the following methods to display the available printers on the print servers:

  • Press the Windows key and the R key to open a Run Dialogue box. Enter the server name to which you wish to connect, as written above, and press the Enter key.
  • Click the Start button, and in the Search programs and files searchbox, enter the server name to which you wish to connect, as written above, and press the Enter key.
  • Open the Internet Exporer web browser, and in the web address field, enter the server name to which you wish to connect, as written above, and press the Enter key.

A new window will open, listing all the printers on the print server. If you receive an error, try again making sure you have entered back slashes (\), not forward slashes (/), and that you spelled the name correctly.

The printer name begins with the departmental abbreviation, followed by a hypen (-) and the printer model. Most printers will confirm the location for you if you hover your mouse over the name of the printer. Locate the printer you would like to use and double-click on it. This will install the drivers for you. You only need to perform this action once, not every time you want to print to it.

Once the print drivers are installed, you will see the printer listed in your Devices and Printers. If you would like to make it the default printer, simply right-click on it and select the option to Set as default printer.





Method 1:

Popular printers for your department are added in the Self Service application.

  1. Go to your Applications list and double click Self Service to open it. (Contact Helpdesk@cofc.edu if you do not have Self Service installed on your college-owned mac computer.)
  2. On the right-hand side, click Printers.
  3. If the printer you wish to install is listed, click the “Install” button to install it. Otherwise, use method 2.

Method 2:

  1. Go to Apple>System Preferences>Printers & Scanners



  1. Click the + symbol in the Printers & Scanners window, and select “Add printer or scanner” to open the Add window.
  2. Select the IP tab.
  3. In the Address: field, enter the name of the printer as it appears on the server (example: IT-XRX5330)
  4. The drivers (“Use” field), name and location will automatically be detected.
  5. Note: If the printer requires use of accounting codes, the Xerox driver for that printer model must first be installed separately to use that feature. Please contact Helpdesk@cofc.edu for assistance.
  6. Click Add in the lower right to add the printer.
  7. Setup will begin and you will be able to use the printer once it is finished.






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Office 365 Tip — Focused Inbox


Focused Inbox provides two filtered views of your inbox: Focused and Other. Emails that matter most to you are viewed in the Focused tab while the rest remain easily accessible, but out of the way, in the Other tab. You’ll be informed about new emails appearing in the “Other” tab filtered view, and you can switch between tabs (views) at any time to take a quick look. However, all emails remain in your inbox; no emails are moved.


Focused Inbox is a refinement and improvement of a previous feature called Clutter. Active Clutter users will see a prompt inviting you to try Focused Inbox. Here’s an example.


If you use Clutter, you'll be asked to try Focused Inbox


After switching, you’ll no longer receive less important email in the Clutter folder. Instead, email will be split between the Focused and Other tabs in your inbox.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Learn more about Focused Inbox at https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Focused-Inbox-for-Outlook-f445ad7f-02f4-4294-a82e-71d8964e3978.


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How to Clear Browser Cache

Many web errors can be resolved simply by clearing your browser’s cache. Below, we have included the steps on how to do this for the most popular browsers used on campus: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Keyboard shortcut for Windows: CTRL+SHIFT+DEL


1. Click TOOLS in the upper right corner of the browser window.

2. Select INTERNET OPTIONS from the short menu.

3. On the General tab, click the DELETE… button in the lower right corner.

4. The Delete Browsing History window will open. Make sure the following checkboxes are checked: Temporary Internet files and website files, Cookies and website data, History. Check others at your discretion. Then click the DELETE button.


5. Internet Explorer will notify you when it is finished by displaying a message at the bottom of the browser window.


You can read more by visiting:





1. Click the Customization icon in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser window. It looks like 3 stacked dots.

2. Select SETTINGS from the short menu.

3. A Settings tab will open in Chrome. At the bottom of the Settings window, click the link that says SHOW ADVANCED SETTINGS.


4. In the Privacy section, click the CLEAR BROWSING DATA… button.

5. Set the range to clear. Check the following checkboxes to clear: Cookies and other site and plugin data, Cached images and files. Check other options at your descretion. Then click the CLEAR BROWSING DATA button at the bottom right of the new window.

You can read more by visiting:





1. Click the MENU icon in the upper right corner. It looks like three horizontal lines.

2. Select OPTIONS from the menu.

3. The Options tab will open in Firefox. Select ADVANCED on the left column. Then at the top of the Advanced page, click NETWORK. In the Cached Web Content section, click the CLEAR NOW button.


You can read more by visiting:





1. Click SAFARI next to the Apple.


3. When the new window opens, select ADVANCED on the upper right.

4. At the bottom of the Advanced window, check the checkbox that says, “Show Develop menu in menu bar.”

5. On the top menu bar, click DEVELOP.

6. Select EMPTY CACHES from the menu to clear the cache.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard combination: OPTION+COMMAND+E



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Map a Network Drive

You may want to create a shortcut to any folders you frequently access. In Windows 7, you can do this by mapping the network drive. Here’s how:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Computer
  3. Click Map Network Drive
  4. Select any drive letter that is not already in use. Type the folder path in the Folder field.
  5. If you do not know the entire path, type in the server name (example: \\pitt), then click Browse and select the subsequent folders. In the “Browse For Folder” window, click the white arrows to expand the folder until you get to the folder you want to map. Black arrows indicate the folder is already expanded.   Click OK to close this window and return to the previous “Map Network Drive” window.       
  6. Check the Reconnect at logon checkbox
  7. Click Finish


The folder will open, and you will see the mapped network drive located under “Network Location” (see first screen shot). Once the drive is mapped, you can also add a shortcut directly on your desktop by clicking the mapped drive and dragging it to the desktop.

Anytime you would like to access the folder, just open “Computer” and double-click on the mapped network drive you created, or double-click on the shortcut you added to your desktop.


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Self Service: A New Feature Available for College of Charleston Mac Computers


Things have just gotten a little easier with the addition of a new application called Self Service. Have you found yourself having to repeatedly call the IT Helpdesk for assistance with getting rid of keychain prompts after changing your password? What about installing new printers that require special drivers? Or even removing old versions of Microsoft Office? Now, you have the opportunity to perform all of these actions and more with the click of a button by using Self Service, a new application that has been pushed out to all of our active college-owned mac computers on campus.

Apps and features are arranged in categories, just like the Apple App Store. There is also a login option available to gain access to software and functions that are only available to your own department.




Self Service is listed under your Applications. Simply click Go on the top menu bar – if you don’t see Go as an option, click any blank area of your desktop first. From the Go menu, select Applications. Scroll down until you see Self Service. Double click on it to open it.




With Self Service you can:

  • Fix common problems with
    • Keychains
    • Permissions
    • Malware
    • Remote Desktop
  • Install new software
    • Common print drivers including printers that use accounting codes
    • Apple Software
    • Microsoft Software
    • Media and Photo Software
    • Java
    • VPN
    • Productivity tools
    • …and more
  • Update your operating system
  • Perform maintenance and malware remediation tasks




We can add just about anything in Self Service that will make administering your computer easier for you. It will continue to grow and change as we add more capabilities. If you would like to make a request for something you don’t see available in Self Service, or if you don’t even see Self Service available on your college-owned mac computer, contact Helpdesk at Helpdesk@cofc.edu to have it added. Include the following information:

  • Your mac’s IP address – click the Apple, then System Preferences, then Network, select Ethernet. The IP will be listed on the right side of the window.
  • Your mac’s serial number — click the Apple, then About this Mac to obtain this information.
  • What app or feature you would like to see added


Many people have already reaped the benefits of using the Self Service. Check it out today!

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Office 365 Tip – How to Create a Contact List

Do you find yourself frequently sending multiple emails to the same group of people? If so, this tip is for you!

Save time by creating a contact list, also known as a distribution list. Once the contact list is created, you only have to enter the name of the contact list in the “To” field to send the email to all of the members at the same time. Here’s how:



  1. Click the waffle waffle at the top and select the People App. The waffle may be on the upper left or on the right, depending on how your windows is expanded.people
  2. Once the People App is open, click the drop down arrow next to “New” at the top, and select “Contact List” from the context menu.newcontactlist
  3. Type in a name for the group in the “List name” box. To add members, use the “Add members” box. You can type in a name to search from the directory, or you can type in the email address. It will try to search your contacts first and give suggestions. If it finds the correct one, select it to add it. If it is not in your contacts, just click on the email address from the pop up to add it. It will not check for validity, so be sure to type carefully. Notice the member count goes up as you add new members. When you are finished adding members, be sure to click the Save option at the top. Once you have saved the new contact list, it will show up in your list of Contacts.  addmember



  1. Switch back to Mail by clicking on the waffle and selecting the Mail app, if necessary.
  2. Open a New email message as you normally would. Click on “To” to open up your Contacts. Scroll through your contacts until you see the group you created.to
  3. Click the + symbol next to the group to add it. Then click Save at the top when you are done adding your contact(s).contactlist2
  4. At this point you will be taken back to the original email screen where you can write and send your email as usual. Notice that the group name has a + symbol to the left of it in the email. This indicates that you are sending to multiple emails. If you were to click the + symbol, it would expand to all the email addresses in that group (this action cannot be undone on the same email). I point this out because it is possible to just type in the name of the group in the To field, but if it does not have that + symbol to the left of it, it is not your contact list, and will not work. The first time you send an email to your contact list, you must search for it in your Contacts as described here. After your first email to the contact list, Outlook will remember it and then you can type in the name of the list – just be sure to look for the + symbol to the left of the name.emailemail3
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Office 365 Tip – How to Open a Group Mailbox

If you’re like me, you have access to mailboxes other than your own, but how do you access them in Office 365? Here are two easy ways:

  1. If you are already logged into your own account online, simply click your picture in the upper right corner, then select “Open another mailbox…” Type in the name of the mailbox you would like to access, and click Open. The mailbox will open in a separate tab in your browser. pic
  2. If you are not logged into your own account, you can log in directly to your group mailbox by going to https://outlook.office365.com/owa/mailboxname@cofc.edu – replace “mailboxname” in this link with the name of the mailbox you want to reach. When prompted, enter your own email credentials to access the mailbox.
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How to Create a Secure and Memorable Password



It’s that time that we all dread — time to change your password. Just like that, an otherwise perfectly good day becomes sour. Sure we all understand the need for a password, but most of us would never change our password if it wasn’t required. That’s because creating a new password and remembering it for the next 90-120 days feels like such a chore. The good new is, it doesn’t have to be.

A good password is both secure and easy to remember. I would like to share with you some tips on first keeping your password secure – after all, the whole purpose of a password would be discounted if the password itself is not secure – and also tips for creating a password that is easy to remember! Are you ready?



Passwords should be unique for each of your accounts

Use a different password for each of your important accounts, like your email and online banking accounts. If someone figures out your password for one account, that person could potentially gain access to your email, address, and even your money. Using the same password for everything is very risky.


Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols

Using numbers, symbols and mix of upper and lower case letters in your password makes it harder for someone to guess your password. For example, an eight-character password with numbers, symbols and mixed-case letters is harder to guess because it has 30,000 times as many possible combinations than an eight-character password with only lower case letters.


Don’t use personal information, common words, or common patterns

Create a unique password that’s unrelated to your personal information and uses a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. For example, you can select a random word or phrase and insert letters and numbers into the beginning, middle, and end to make it extra difficult to guess (such as “sPo0kyh@untedH0u$e”). Don’t use simple words or phrases like “password” or “letmein,” keyboard patterns such as “qwerty” or “qazwsx,” or sequential patterns such as “abcd1234” which make your password easier to guess.


Make sure the password remains confidential

Don’t leave notes with your passwords to various sites on your computer or desk. People who walk by can easily steal this information and use it to compromise your account. If you decide to save your passwords in a file on your computer, create a unique name for the file so people don’t know what’s inside. Avoid giving the file an obvious name, such as “my passwords.” If you have a difficult time remembering multiple passwords, a trusted password manager may be a good solution. Spend some time checking out the reviews and reputations of these services. Mac and Windows operating systems have built in password managers, Keychain Access Utility and Credentials Manager, respectively.




Use a sentence

A long, hard to crack password, keeps your password secure. Using a sentence makes it easy to remember. Once you have your easy-to-remember sentence, transition it into a valid password.

For example, you can use the first letter of each word to create a strong password: “At the end of the yellow brick road, I found my calling.” can become “ateotybr,Ifmc.” The natural punctuation in this example allows for a mix of letters and special characters. You can also substitute some letters for numbers if the password requirements call for numbers. If you substitute 3 for e and 0 for o, it becomes: “at30tybr,Ifmc.”

Substituting special characters and numbers for letters allows you to use shorter sentences or phrases as well. “Go New York Giants!” can be represented by “G0NYGi@nts!”


Incorporate an emoji or other familiar symbols

You can surround a memorable word or phrase with symbols, special characters, and use numbers for some letter substitutions (Remember, to make the password secure, stay away from using common dictionary words). This generation is in love with emojis. If that applies to you, use it to your advantage.

In the case of the following password, the symmetry and familiar emoji make it easy to remember: o_O::m0m::O_o

“I love five dollar subs!” can be represented by: “I<3$5s*bs!” In this example, “love” is replaced by the emoji heart symbol, <3, and the u in subs is replaced by *.

Remember facts and passwords at the same time: “E=mc^2:Ein$tein”

“Mike and Jenny forever” could be made into “M!ke+J3nny4evR” – you get the picture.



You may have noticed that all the passwords listed in this article are invalid for use here at College of Charleston. It is purposely written this way so that you have the opportunity to create your own secure password. The concepts here still apply, but your password must meet the following criteria:

  • The password length must be 8 or greater.
  • The password length must be 12 or less.
  • The password must contain a letter.
  • The password must contain a digit.
  • The password must contain at least one of these special characters: ~^*_+?-.
  • The password must not contain spaces or any of these special characters: :=\&$”#()’`/;<>,[]{}@

Once you have created a password, you will be required to change it 3-4 months later. There is a password reset reminder located on the Home and My Accounts tabs inside MyCharleston that will let you know the specific date you will be required to change it. Though you will not be able to repeat the same password, you can make a minor change that will still be valid. Simply changing a character or number will suffice to make the new password unique.

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