Jessica Eovino, Zeta Tau Alpha

Looking back at my college career at the College of Charleston, it was the greatest 4 years of my life. The best memories by far are those that came from being a member of the Greek system at CofC. After my freshman year I felt as if something was missing from my college experience. Becoming a Greek filled that void. I joined Zeta Tau Alpha my sophomore year.  I wish that I had gone through formal recruitment as a freshman so that I could have had 4 years of being a Greek in college.

Thanks to being a member of a Greek organization I excelled more with my studies and became more involved on campus. My sister’s were so supportive of me and all my endeavors. I entered into an industry that was not common to most business majors – logistics. Being a member of a Greek organization helped me develop the courage and self confidence that I had the ability to try something different and to succeed.

You learn so many life lessons from being a Greek. You learn how to manage your time, write reports, pay bills, balance your check book (because most of your checks were written to your organization for t-shirts), team building skills and leadership skills.

Now, 13 years after I’ve graduated, I’m still active with my sorority. I’ve have the fortunate opportunity to serve as President of the local alumnae chapter,  General Advisor to my collegiate chapter and most recently serving as a National Officer for my sorority. Those leadership positions helped me to gain necessary leadership experience to excel into supervisory positions and manager positions within my corporate organization.

Every time I move to a new city, I know that I can contact the local alumnae chapter and I’ve got a great group of women who befriend me.

I still keep in contact with my sorority sisters from college in my chapter and members of other Greek organizations. Being a Greek really opened up lots of opportunities for me as a collegian and as a graduate.

Jessica Eovino ’97, Business Major / Intermodal Transportation Minor

April Dupree, Kappa Alpha Theta

When I ran down Coming Street to the Kappa Alpha Theta house on bid day nearly 17 years ago, I don’t think I had a clue how much that day would eventually shape the woman I would become!  I think it is fair to say I was joining Greek Life for all the superficial reasons like the cute t-shirts and the broadened social scene.  The member education period and my initiation were the start of a growing appreciation for the more important parts of sorority membership – true sisterhood, leadership, and accountability, to name a few.  I remember waiting to cross the street one day and seeing one of my sisters on the adjacent corner.  I thought to myself how different we were and how our paths might not have crossed if not for Theta and how there were so many things about that woman that made me proud to call her my sister. I think that was my first “Ah ha!” moment.

A few years after graduating, I joined the Advisory Board for my chapter and eventually moved on to become a District officer, and just a few weeks ago was elected to Grand Council.  Volunteering for Theta has truly enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined.  The Fraternity principals and ideals I pledged to uphold as a collegian are still a guiding force in my life today. I’ve had the opportunity to hone the leadership skills I began to develop as a collegian.  I’ve made relationships that will last a lifetime with women who were toddlers when I pledged Theta and women who pledged Theta before I was born.  Perhaps the most rewarding experience has been to watch as women I mentored as a chapter advisor go on to become an advisor themselves.   Thetas have a saying, “Theta for a lifetime”, and for me, that is absolutely the truth!

April Pinkston DuPree ’96, Biochemistry Major

Diane Turgeon, Zeta Tau Alpha

I joined Zeta Tau Alpha in the fall of 1999, and have rarely been without a “Zeta Job” since then.  Beginning as a freshman, I served my chapter as Alumnae/Collegiate Relations Chair, Historian, and Secretary.  The leadership opportunities offered to me by my sorority were invaluable in preparing me for the working world.  I learned more about working as a team, crisis and conflict management, scheduling, and budgets than in any course I could have taken.  Those positions also looked very nice on my graduate school applications!  In my alumna life, ZTA has continued to offer me the opportunity to serve and grow as a leader.  I have held several offices in my local alumnae chapters and have served as an advisor to the chapter at the University of South Carolina.  I now serve in a national office as District President and oversee all seven alumnae chapters in South Carolina.  I receive leadership training at national conferences and get to work with Zetas around the state.  It’s an excellent resume builder!  My Greek affiliation has provided me with education, growth, and sisterhood beyond my college years.

– Dianne Turgeon ’03,  Geology

Lynne Bernthal, Phi Mu

Having pledged Phi Mu in the fall of 1963, I can truly say that making the decision to be Greek was a life-changing one. The College was, of course, still the very small campus and student body with everyone knowing their classmates. However, a need was still present to have a home, a shared bond, friendship on a deeper level, encouragement to succeed academically. So, these were all the things I thought I needed and did receive as a Greek at the College of Charleston. More importantly, however, my undergraduate Greek life began the finishing school of life for me. Throughout my collegiate experience, I began to develop leadership skills while learning how to work with many types of personalities. My professional, volunteer and personal successes are all directly attributable to my Greek experiences at the College of Charleston.

Lynne Mohrmann Bernthal ’67, German Major