Will Munce, Sigma Nu

If you were to approach me three years ago and tell me I will pledge a fraternity in college, I most likely would have laughed in your face in the politest way possible; however, now I can honestly say that pledging Sigma Nu has been the best decision of my college career. Despite coming to Charleston with a fairly sizable safety net, I roomed with my best friend since 1st grade and my grandparents are twenty minutes away in Summerville, I decided to rush. When I met the brothers of Sigma Nu I came to realize that they had the same ambitions and values that I did and still do, and even though they might seem homogeneous to the outsider, they are actually very diverse. Greek life has since given me opportunities I never could have imagined. For the first time I was a member of a completely member run organization, and I whether I liked it or not, I was thrust in feet first. Being required to lead my peers with minimal adult support is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do, but I have learned more from it than any other outside the classroom experience. As I became a brother of Sigma Nu I was simultaneously welcomed as a member of the Greek community in which I have made countless friends and had irreplaceable experiences. Essentially, my Greek story one of taking a chance and being rewarded exponentially.

Will Munce  ’12, Business Administration

Kelsey Barbour, Delta Gamma

As I entered College of Charleston as a Freshman in the fall of 2009 I didn’t know a single person attending and my equestrian endeavors prevented me from being able to participate in recruitment. As a result I felt that I was the only person not in Greek Life and had no where and no one to turn to. I e-mailed the director of Greek Life to see which sororities were doing Spring Recruitment and discovered a new sorority was about to drop anchor at the College of Charleston. Little did I know that my new sisters in the Delta Gamma fraternity would be the ones that helped me through a very tough year. Whether I needed advice or just someone to talk to or hang out with the girls at DG were there supporting me. The wonderful part of joining a sorority or fraternity is as a pledge class all of you are going through the same slightly awkward procedure together. All of the bonding activities and meetings, no matter how “lame” or “boring” they may seem truly brings everyone closer together. In the end, no matter which organization you choose they’ll be there as your advocates, champions, and friends, and you as theirs.

Kelsey Barbour ’13

Lynne Bernthal, Phi Mu

Having pledged Phi Mu in the fall of 1963, I can truly say that making the decision to be Greek was a life-changing one. The College was, of course, still the very small campus and student body with everyone knowing their classmates. However, a need was still present to have a home, a shared bond, friendship on a deeper level, encouragement to succeed academically. So, these were all the things I thought I needed and did receive as a Greek at the College of Charleston. More importantly, however, my undergraduate Greek life began the finishing school of life for me. Throughout my collegiate experience, I began to develop leadership skills while learning how to work with many types of personalities. My professional, volunteer and personal successes are all directly attributable to my Greek experiences at the College of Charleston.

Lynne Mohrmann Bernthal ’67, German Major

Christine Heilman, Alpha Delta Pi

As a student coming to The College of Charleston from New Jersey I knew absolutely no one entering my freshmen year. I also was very involved in high school with volunteer work as well as school organizations and sports. When I came to college going through the recruitment process was a bit foreign to me but was also appealing. Going through recruitment in general helped me meet a lot of girls my age and after just a few days I knew Alpha Delta Pi was the right place for me. Joining Alpha Delta Pi helped me meet even more girls of all ages, from all over the country, with all kinds of personalities and form friendships with them as well. Just a few months after joining ADPi I had already been to mixers, volunteered at The Ronald McDonald House, and attended tons of fun sisterhood events. Soon after I ran for a position which required me to live in the sorority house my sophomore year. After living in the house I developed close friendships with girls I never had interacted with before. After my sophomore year I received an internship through a sorority sister of mine and one of the reasons the company said they hired me was because of my volunteer experience and leadership positions I have held in ADPi. As I approach my junior year I hold an executive board position and still stay close with my friends in other sororities who I met through rush as well as my sisters in ADPi.

-Christine Heilman ’12,  Communications

Dan Heredia, Phi Gamma Delta

When I came to CofC, I knew I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself, an organization based on strong values that would help me develop as a person.  Being in a Greek organization has given me that opportunity.  By being a member of Greek Life and more specifically, The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI), I have had the chance to establish many relationships through numerous social events, give back to the community through service projects, and become a much more confident and effective leader.  My fraternity has helped push me to a higher academic standard, contribute more to the school as well as the surrounding area, and provided me with an inseparable bond of brotherhood with those men that will excel in the careers they choose to pursue while maintaining a high degree of excellence in all other aspects of life. Proud to be a Phi Gam!

Dan Heredia ’12, Business Administration

Bob Pruett, Sigma Phi Epsilon

As an incoming freshman to the College of Charleston in August of 2007, I did not know a single other person nor had I ever been to Charleston aside from orientation. I was placed in College Lodge with an unfavorable roommate. I was every parents nightmare, as I had nothing good to say about my new situation. Before school started, considering the fact I didn’t know anyone, I decided the best way to go about making new friends was to immerse myself into the campus and what better way than Greek Life. Although I had no interest in joining a fraternity, I went to a few Greek events including the Greek fair (Cougar Carnival) behind Addlestone library. It was at this point in time that I first saw a glimpse of an environment and group of people that I could see myself associating with. I met so many “stand up”, genuine people from multiple different fraternities/sororities that I was intrigued to give rush a try. From there I went from knowing no one and having nothing to do, to meeting hundreds of people; many of which were calling/texting me to come hang out. Although to many this may have seemed like a facade, this gave me a hospitable and welcoming experience. Within the first two weeks of school I went from hating college to believing it was the best thing since sliced bread. Since then my involvement and affiliation in Greek life here at the college has taken the snowball effect. I have met more and more people, learned of and participated in events I wouldn’t have otherwise, and stepped outside of myself. It has also provided many opportunities to assume leadership positions within my fraternity, our internal events, or school sponsored events. In many ways the influences of SigEp have acted as stepping stones towards higher education and self awareness. Observing the accomplishments of surrounding brothers, taking on responsibility in leadership roles, and team/group oriented events have all driven me to act and become a more qualified and knowledgeable individual. In my three years of experience, I have taken away countless lessons that can and will easily be applied to life after college. I was a three season varsity sport athlete in high school. Therefore, coming to college and having roughly three hours of class Monday through Friday left me with more free time than I had ever previously experienced. With such a flexible schedule, the need for organization and determination disappeared. As such, I needed to fill in the gap and did so by joining SigEp. My involvement in SigEp essentially acted like a year round varsity sport, as it had a large time commitment and reaped endless rewards. Simply stated, SigEp keeps me motivated and driven as it structures my free time effectively and efficiently providing me with worthy challenges and goals. If it hadn’t been for SigEp, I probably would have transferred within the first month.

– Bob Pruett ’11, Economics

Mary Ellen Graves, Chi Omega

I never thought Greek Life was for me. It was my sister who forced me to go through recruitment. However, I found my fit with Chi Omega and I am so grateful for all of the opportunities it has provided for me. Chi Omega has given me a roof over my head (literally I’m going on year 2 in the sorority house), lifelong friends I may never have met, and leadership skills I never thought I had.  No matter how hot and grueling Recruitment 2007 was, I still thank my sister to this day for forcing me to go through with it for I love being a Chi Omega.

– Mary Ellen Graves ’11, Historic Preservation and Community Planning

Catherine Barthelme, Alpha Delta Pi

I can confidently say that joining a sorority was the best decision I made during my time at the College of Charleston. From the moment I registered for Recruitment, I felt like a welcome member of one of the most involved communities on campus, and the impressive presence of Greek Life at CofC became clear. During interviews, the leadership positions held in my sorority are the most asked about items on my resume, and these experiences have helped me secure internships and a job after graduation. There is nothing like the bond between my sorority sisters and I. When we work together, anything seems possible. Go Greek, it will change your life in ways you never imagined.

Catherine Barthelme ’10, Communications

Richard Newcomb, Alpha Epsilon Pi

I came to the College in the Fall of 2007 knowing no one and wanting to become involved and make lasting friendships.  Both of these came to me in the form of my fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi.  I became of aware of the strong brotherhood during my pledge period.  I was going through a number of personal problems, not involving the fraternity, and when the older brothers heard about it a few of them pulled me aside at different times to talk about it and support me through it.  For me, seeing people show compassion towards someone that they have just met and help them through hardships solidified the fact that AEPi was where I wanted to be.  This brotherhood has become very important part of my life, giving me the opportunity to grow as a person and I have found those few people in your life that without question would give me the shirt off of their back.  My experience in AEPi has only made me love my fraternity more having served in various leadership positions including serving as Secretary on the Executive Board this past year.  The more friendships I make and the experiences I have in AEPi only make me want to be more involved and do anything I can to help the fraternity as a whole and any one of my brothers.  There has never been a time that the thought of not being a part of this fraternity has crossed my mind. The thought that my years of being an active brother will be ending when I graduate in May of 2011 is sad but I am proud to say that I will be an AEPi till the day that I die.

Richard Newcomb ’11, Political Science

TJ Fielder, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

Beneficial, rewarding, brotherhood, GREEK LIFE.  My Greek Life experience at the College of Charleston has changed my life forever. As an out of state student, a close knit relationship was not easy to come by when I first came to the college. I was overwhelmed how the fraternity guys on campus reached out to me during my freshman year. I knew I wanted to be a part of an organization that exudes true brotherhood. After being initiated in fall 2008, the bond that I am currently in welcomed me like a real brother. Road trips, late night studying, socials, and eventually rooming together, I feel as if my support system and love from my fraternity brothers on this campus is unconditional. I couldn’t imagine my college experience being so fulfilling without the Greek Life aspect. Even when I decided to study through the National Student Exchange Program in California for a semester, my fraternity brothers across the country welcomed me also and I knew it was because of the bond that I joined while at the College of Charleston. I thank Greek Life for allowing me to show my true talents, true beliefs, and my true strengths. College would not be the same without GREEKS!

TJ Fielder ’11, Political Science