Jill Cronin, Delta Gamma ’13

Delta Gamma graduated their chartering members in May 2013. We asked some of them to describe what it meant to them to begin their organization and watch it grow over the last few years.

The meaning of being a “charter member” did not dawn on me until I participated in my first formal recruitment in the Fall of 2010. When I saw the excited faces of our first new member class on Bid Day, eager to become a part of something monumental, I realized the responsibility that we all had as charter members of Eta Sigma chapter.  We needed to show our future members what it means to be a Delta Gamma and what it means to be a Greek woman. I fully realized the importance of this obligation when I became vice-president: member education in the Spring of 2012 and was responsible for guiding new members through their new member period. Seeing the women go from new members to initiated members solidified the meaning of being a charter member. Being a charter member of Delta Gamma has provided me with so many valuable opportunities and unforgettable experiences. I can only hope that the legacy that we began as charter members will be carried on for future classes of Delta Gammas.

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