I am the only girl in my immediate family. Being a part of a Greek letter organization has given me the sisters I never had. We all share an irreplaceable bond with one another. It has also given me an even bigger Greek family, which includes the rest of the Divine 9 sororities and fraternities. We realize that no matter what the letter, we’re all Greek together. We all work together for common purposes, such as serving our campus and community. Sometimes it can be challenging trying to keep up with your school work, job and Greek organization all at the same time, but school work definitely comes first. You just have to learn how to balance everything and not take on more than you can handle. For some reasons, higher expectations are put on Greeks. We are expected to have a certain GPA, even though we do the most on campus. Once you become a part of a Divine 9 sorority or fraternity, you not only become a member of a sorority or fraternity, but you also become a member of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, which means you work for and plan activities for both. Greeks are usually the most well-rounded people on campus because they are involved in several campus activities besides Greek life. Being a part of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated has made me a more well-rounded person through scholarship by knowing that I had to maintain a certain GPA to stay in that organization, leadership by allowing me to take on leadership roles and hold leadership positions, service because I joined a sorority that strives to do service as our motto is “Greater Service, Greater Progress,” and fellowship by providing me with a new family I can bond with socially.
Krystal Yeadon ’10, Theatre (Performance) and Communication (Media Studies)