My experience with interview the local was very funny. At first he did not really understand what I was asking him but after using google translate he understood. I think they really like how our group was so interested in the culture. He was definitely happy we were so curious and thought it was funny how we had to get a selfie. It was really interesting to hear what the local had to say about sustainability and his perspective on what he thinks is good for the environment. I really enjoyed todays excursion and it honestly might have been my favorite one. The island was so beautiful and swimming in the ocean was so cool. We also rode donkeys and that was so worth it! I had so much fun. Lunch was also so good as usual and I enjoyed walking around afterwards.
Author Archives: shaughnessytc
Post 3
The company that I researched today was Titan which is a greek cement company. I learned about their sustainability strategies and the company values. It was cool to me because their founders from 1902 came up with their core values and the company still abides by them. I enjoyed learning about Cultural dimensions as that was a totally new subject to me. I think Titan as a company has a lot of low uncertainty avoidance index which makes them a very innovative company who is willing to take risks. They have multiple projects with Artificial intelligence right now for example which obviously could be seen as risky. In terms of ethical responsibility Titan is involved with multiple do good acts like donation money to help the wildfires in Greece. They were also recognized by CDP as a global climate leader for its transparency, climate actions, and transition to a net zero carbon economy which relates to the do not cause harm t o others principle. Finally, Titan recently just planted 2 million trees for Greece since 1971. I really enjoyed learning about them as a company.
Here is a picture from dinner! The view was amazing and the food was delicious.
Post 2 – Teagan Shaughnessy
The readings from today were very interesting, especially the Eco-innovation in Greece. I did not know how important it was for Greeks to use renewable energies and energy efficient methods. It is really encouraging to see their efforts to improve their eco innovation performance. I have noticed many Greeks take the metro places and I feel like taking public transportation is just one way they a trying to reduce their global footprint. Additionally, I thought the section about energy efficiency in Greece was interesting. The way the have been developing technologies for solar energy and photovoltaic is huge for them. Overall, I really liked reading this article because it opened my eyes to the environment of Greece and what they are trying to do as country.
I really enjoyed our tour of Temple of Poseidon today. I thought it was beautiful how it was right on the water. It reminded me a little bit of the Parthenon. It was so cool how you could see it from the beach at lunch and when we went swimming in the ocean. I learned that it was built in the 5th century and is the typical Greek style. Overall, I really enjoyed our tour and will always remember how beautiful the views were.
Post 1 – Teagan Shaughnessy
Something I have experience that has been out of my comfort zone this trip was definitely taking public transportation. I had never taken a public bus or metro un the U.S. so doing it for the first time and in another country was definitely a little frightening at first. I am glad we have been taking the public transportation options here and I am starting to get more comfortable using them. Also, I think it is a great way to save money because they are much cheaper than getting taxis.
A fact I learned about Nike was that they have been dealing with acquisitions of sweat shops since the 1990s. Nike is a popular company who we researched has sweatshops in developing countries like India and Indonesia where they pay their workers below minimum wage. These factories are in terrible conditions and they often violate fire hazard rules. They have tried to come out with lists of each factories location to prove their conditions are better but as a multi million dollar company, they should be doing way more for their employees.
Here is a picture of me from the Parthenon below! I loved seeing this site and the history here!