Post 1 – Teagan Shaughnessy

Something I have experience that has been out of my comfort zone this trip was definitely taking public transportation. I had never taken a public bus or metro un the U.S. so doing it for the first time and in another country was definitely a little frightening at first. I am glad we have been taking the public transportation options here and I am starting to get more comfortable using them. Also, I think it is a great way to save money because they are much cheaper than getting taxis.

A fact I learned about Nike was that they have been dealing with acquisitions of sweat shops since the 1990s. Nike is a popular company who we researched has sweatshops in developing countries like India and Indonesia where they pay their workers below minimum wage. These factories are in terrible conditions and they often violate fire hazard rules. They have tried to come out with lists of each factories location to prove their conditions are better but as a multi million dollar company, they should be doing way more for their employees.

Here is a picture of me from the Parthenon below! I loved seeing this site and the history here!

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