Hello! My name is Lila Henderson and I am from Brunswick, Maine. Visiting Greece has been lots of fun so far but I have also learned a lot. Some things have brought me out of my comfort zone, such as talking to Greek-speaking taxi drivers and figuring out how to get around Athens. I have used metros before but reading the locations in Greek was challenging, so it took a little time to get used to. Today in class we learned about ethical and unethical decision-making in businesses. We all looked at specific companies and how they have been viewed as unethical in the past. My partner and I’s company was Exxon, one of the world’s largest fossil fuel producers. They have been accused of lying to investors about their effects on climate change and downplaying the science of climate change. They had researched their impact on the environment and chose to deceive the public about the “lack” of danger in order to make their company seem more appealing to invest in. This was viewed as an unethical decision made by the company.