BLOG 3: 6/1/22

In class today, we focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and how different companies in Greece pursue sustainability in their practices. I researched the company “Mitsis Hotels,” which is a luxury brand of resorts in various locations in Greece. For one, I learned that I would love to stay at these hotels! As far as their sustainability initiatives go, I think they do a phenomenal job accomplishing the Triple Bottom Line. Their mission, vision, and values go beyond the standards of a hotel chain and encompass the environment, their employees, and the superb treatment of their customers. One thing I found particularly interesting was how they served the community. For instance, they gave away 10,000 nights in their resorts for free to frontline healthcare workers who were overworked and overstressed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The commitment to community involvement is coupled with dedication to bettering the environment and following legislature as well, though their initiatives go far beyond the minimum.


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