In the weeks since I have arrived in Greece, many things have put me outside of my comfort zone. The one that stands out the most is having to use so many modes of transportation to get around town and between islands. Not knowing the language has complicated this, as well as not usually enjoying being in planes, ferries, buses, or public transportation to begin with.
Today I looked at ethical dilemmas that Walmart has faced in recent years. The one that stood out most to me was a class action lawsuit filed against the company for not providing cashiers who requested one a seat while they were working. Instead of purchasing 100,000 seats for about $1 from any one of their suppliers, Walmart underwent a 9 year lawsuit and had to pay over $65 million by the end. This certainly was not the only issue Walmart has encountered, but it goes to show how not resolving issues at an early step can snowball into a much bigger and damaging problem.