Looking Forward

We know you are about to gather with friends or family to enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday, but we wanted to tell you one more thing: An amazing opportunity is being presented to the College of Charleston community! On Tuesday, November 27th, 2012, Dr. Temple Grandin will be presenting in the Sottile Theater from 7:00-9:00pm. Not…

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Understanding the Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

In my introductory post, I mentioned that I am a candidate for the Maters of Arts in Teaching for Elementary Education. I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the School of Education’s MAT programs.    What it is: The Graduate School and the School of Education offer MAT programs in: Early Childhood Education,…

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A New Club for Education Grad Students

Attention students in all education programs (Elementary; Early Childhood; Performing Arts; Special Education; Languages; Science and Math for Teachers; and Teaching, Learning, and Advocacy): There’s a student organization forming just for you! Come be a part of the inaugural meeting this Friday at 5:00 PM! Read the message from the new club’s organizer, Jonathan Coker…

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Considering teaching?

I helped the School of Education host an information session last Wednesday for our initial certification programs.  A lot of folks came out for the invitation to teach, especially those who were interested in our graduate-level programs.  We have a total of 10 programs including three graduate certificates, four Master of Arts in Teaching degrees,…

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New graduate certificate in Special Education

The Graduate School of the College of Charleston now offers a Graduate Certificate in Special Education! I was excited to learn this week that the School of Education, Health and Human Performance has approved our ninth graduate certificate! The added bonus?  General and special education teachers can begin taking classes as early as January 12!…

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