Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Visits Campus and Meets with Graduate Students!

On September 16, Presidential hopeful Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MO) visited campus as part of the College of Charleston’s Bully Pulpit Series. The Bully Pulpit series encourages and facilitates political participation on campus and in the community by providing a platform for dialogue with national leaders. As part of Klobuchar’s visit, she sat down with Interim…

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Considering Grad School

Maybe you’ve just graduated, you’re about to graduate, or you have a few years of work under your belt and now you’re considering graduate school. You’re probably not the only one asking, “is graduate school right for me?” In recent years, staggering job market influenced a lot of new and upcoming college graduates to consider…

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Planning to Pay for It

So, here’s the thing: grad school is not cheap. What, you already knew that? Whether you have just paid your tuition bill or you have just started looking at graduate schools, you have probably become familiar with the expense related to tuition. You may want to start planning how to pay for it now. The…

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Weekend Roundup

Sure, you’re wrapping up those major papers, packing your bags for Thanksgiving, and prepping for exams, but who says you can’t have a little fun this weekend too? Here are a couple of grad school events that you shouldn’t miss: The Graduate Student Association is sponsoring the King Street Krawl, a pub crawl event that is…

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Get to Know Eileen Callahan

Anyone who’s ever had to do any research here at the College of Charleston is familiar with Eileen Callahan. She’s a ubiquitous presence on campus, ensuring that the College upholds the highest ethical standards for our research in every discipline. If you’ve ever attended a Responsible Conduct of Research Seminar here, then you know how…

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Be a Residence Hall Director

Our director of student records recently spoke with the Department of Residence Life and Housing, and has some great news to share with our graduate students. Be sure to touch base with Regan Fantry for additional graduate assistantship opportunities throughout the year, and to watch our website for weekly updates on fellowships, scholarships and grants…

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Guest Blogger: Amanda Lane

Amanda Lane, a Graduate Assistant in the Environmental Studies Program, sent us a wonderful blog post about her first year experience as an M.E.S. Candidate who’s adjusting to life on her own in Grad School: School has been back in session for almost a month now; my, how time flies! My name is Amanda Lane…

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