If you’re in graduate school already, you can skip this blog. Or, better yet, share it with a friend of yours who hasn’t gone back to college yet. For those of you still sticking around, I wonder where you’re from. Me? I’m from Charleston. Yep, right here on the coast of South Carolina where the…
Category Archives: News
The Graduate School Staff
After throwing one of the best parties we’ve hosted, we are sure you’re curious about whom to direct your questions now that Regan Fantry has left the campus. First, as a reminder, you can reach the Graduate School Office between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday on the third floor of Randolph Hall…
Regan’s Farewell Party
Please be sure to join us later this afternoon to thank Regan Fantry for her dedication to the College of Charleston. We will host a proper Charleston Tea from 3:30 until 5:00 on the second floor of Randolph Hall for the College of Charleston community. We hope to see you there!…
Introducing a New Blogger
A new semester at the College means a lot of changes. Faculty and staff settle back into the school year routine, students take on new classes and experiences, and the campus comes alive again. For me, the new semester brings a change of scenery. I’m Crystal MacLean and I’m fortunate enough to be one of…
Regan Fantry, on to new adventures!
We love to share exciting news on this blog. Often, the post celebrates accomplishments by our students, alumni, and faculty. Today, we congratulate Regan Fantry on her new adventures as she leaves her position with the Graduate School for one at the Medical University of South Carolina. During her sojourn as Director of Student Records,…
Hurricane Season
The hurricane season comes every year and with it, a sense of trepidation of what it will bring. I grew up in Buffalo, NY – the land of blizzards and frigid temperatures. Needless to say, hurricanes were a new type of storm to me when I arrived in Charleston in 1999 – the same year…
Your Sources for Information
Whether you’re new to Charleston or you just want to get reacquainted with this city, several folks and organizations make it easy to stay informed. What I present below is not a comprehensive list of resources, so if you know of any that should be added to this list, include them in the comments section…
We’re Back!
You may have noticed that the Graduate School was a bit quiet this summer. The two voices behind the Graduate School blog have been a bit distracted. Megs finished her last day with us in June and recently defended her thesis. Congratulations, Megs! Being the other voice of the blog, I was quiet as well…
Let someone else do the driving
Being a student can often have a financial benefit in terms of discounts at events, movies, and even cultural sites. Being a College of Charleston student gets you one more discount: free admission on the CARTA busses. Leave your car at home and laugh at the fees associated with parking passes at the College of…
New Beginnings
For the busy week we’ve had so far, this is a pretty quiet morning in the Graduate School Office. On Monday, we welcomed new graduate students to the College of Charleston at Saffron Café for an Orientation Social. (Many thanks to the wonderful staff for hosting us and for the delicious food.) Yesterday, we finished…