Change your Clocks

This is just a friendly reminder that Saturday night/Sunday morning (March 10) is the official date for Daylight Saving Time (DST). At 2:00 AM on Sunday morning, you need to switch your clocks to 3:00AM. The bad news? It feels like you lose an hour of sleep. The good news? There will be more light…

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Let the Good Times Roll

This post serves a dual purpose; to announce 2  compelling things. First (and foremost): The end of this week signifies a very important time for any graduate student. When you wake up tomorrow morning, smile and remind yourself that you have officially started Spring Break. While you are probably like most graduate students and will…

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Looking Forward

We know you are about to gather with friends or family to enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday, but we wanted to tell you one more thing: An amazing opportunity is being presented to the College of Charleston community! On Tuesday, November 27th, 2012, Dr. Temple Grandin will be presenting in the Sottile Theater from 7:00-9:00pm. Not…

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Reminder to…

Not graduating this December? With all of the talk about graduation and commencement, maybe you think we have forgotten about you. We promise that is not true! In fact, we want to take this opportunity to remind you about a couple things: Classes will be held today (Monday, November 19) and tomorrow (Tuesday, November 21) before…

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Something to Share

Are you graduating this December? If so, we would love to hear from you for the commencement press release! Here at the Graduate School we are asking any (and all) graduating masters candidates to share something. Not sure what to share? Here are a few suggesstions: Your favorite thing about the College of Charleston The best…

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Your Identification for Voting

Planning to vote next Tuesday? We hope so! Planning to use your College of Charleston student ID as your form of identification? If you are, you may want to rethink your plan. With each state having different guidelines, you may have gotten confused about what would (and would not) be accepted for identification before you…

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Open Lecture

Looking for a break from midterms? Looking to expand your knowledge? Then take a moment today (Thursday, October 11th) to attend Dr. Rita Barnard’s lecture, “(Post)Apartheid Narrative, Modernism, Temporality” at 7:00pm. As a part of the Department of English’s Visiting Scholars Series, Dr. Barnard will be speaking in Arnold Hall (first floor of the Jewish…

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National Science Foundation Visit

Good news for anyone who is interested in earning National Science Foundation (NSF) grants: a group of NSF officials will visit campus this Thursday, September 27. Our guests will be Dr. Lori Stevens, Program Officer, NSF BIO, Division of Environmental Biology, and Mr. John Adamec, Program Analyst, NSF BIO, Division of Environmental Biology.  They will be here…

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