A virtual facelift

The College of Charleston is getting a virtual facelift. After months of working with consultants, we are building a stronger brand, launching a new website, and providing the tools that will make us all more productive.

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The Literacy Intern Project

First-grade students’ reading skills would improve and high-poverty schools would employ more minority teachers with graduate degrees if a new partnership between the Charleston County School District and the College of Charleston works out the way officials say it will.

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Service-Oriented Computing

Let’s face it: executives and IT departments don’t always go together like peanut butter and jelly.  Typically what the executives want and when they want it by isn’t something IT can always accommodate easily.  Then, a few years ago, a new way of doing things emerged.  Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) created a way in which…

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Painting a Portrait

Originally posted in the Post and Courier by Diane Knich on Monday, July 13, 2009. She trudges through the brush and along the edge of Kiawah Island’s marshes almost every day, holding a large metal antennae in the air and listening for the beeps to grow louder from the tracking machine belted to her waist…

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Class Notes: Quin Stinchfield

Congratulations to Quin Stinchfield (Master of Public Administration candidate) who was awarded a scholarship to attend the annual International City Managers’ Association conference. She will spend three days in September in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. This year’s overall theme, “Leading Communities to Success in the New Global Economy,” reflects the focus of six theme tracks developed…

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Honoring Mr. Simmons

I heard about this on the news this morning, and am sharing with you in case you haven’t heard yet.  Below is an email sent to the College of Charleston community by the Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions.  Please be sure to think of Philip Simmons as you walk through our campus today. Hello All,…

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Repairing the heart of campus

Remember that time I flew the South Carolina Flag out the Dean’s window, just because I could? Well, it looks like the chances of that happening again are minimal. Randolph Hall is rumored to be the oldest American building still in use in all of academia.  It survived earthquakes, hurricanes and wars.  Numerous movies and…

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