Students: Social Innovation Competition for $50,000 Prize

Social Innovation Competition for $50,000 Prize As mentioned in the MPA Weekly Newsletter Inventors come up with ideas; innovators put them into practice. The Social Innovation Competition provides a vehicle for taking a student innovation from idea to reality. The competition is a real-world exercise in developing skills in plan development, pitching ideas to investors,…

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MPA Weekly Newsletter

Well, I started my first grad class last Thursday (Quantitative Research Methods) and I’m pretty excited.  It’s been a  long time coming, but I’m finally back in the classroom!  One of our first projects is to work with the United Way in their 2009 Homeless Count. I’m not sure what to expect, but it’s guaranteed…

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FACT: There’s only ONE MA in Bilingual Interpreting.

The College of Charleston is the only institution in the nation offering a Master’s degree in bilingual interpreting during a widespread shortage of court interpreters. Cases are being reversed, rescheduled and retried in nearly every state because of the shortage of qualified interpreters, according to the National Center for State Courts. Demand is steadily increasing…

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Shellfish on Treadmills

Our very own Dr. Lou Burnett was featured with Pacific University’s David Scholnick on NBC’s Today Show last Tuesday!  This all started with a blue crab and a treadmill. Then social media took over, and now shrimp and blue crab are seen running along a treadmill set to classic themes from Rocky and even Benny…

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Graduate Student Wins Award at Carolinas Convention

A College of Charleston communication graduate student, Anna-Fiona Cooke, won first place in the 2008 Carolinas Communication Association’s Mary E. Jarrard Graduate Paper Award competition. The Jarrard Award winners were named at the Annual Convention of the Carolinas Communication Association, which was held Oct. 3-4, 2008, in Columbia, SC. Cooke won first place honors for…

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