Many of the graduate programs offered at the College of Charleston are accredited by relevant associations and organizations. As a prospective student, you may be wondering if this really matters or if it is just a piece of fluff that some programs and colleges get by paying a membership fee. Well, the quality of the education you receive during your graduate education is of the utmost importance, and it should be a considering factor as you narrow down your choices. So, we would like to explain what it means to be accredited and why it should weigh heavily in your decision.
What Does It Mean to Be Accredited?
Accreditation means that the particular college or program has undergone a process to ensure high-quality education standards are met. The process is completed by private, nongovernmental agencies called accrediting bodies, and these agencies are subject to their own quality control standards enforced by institutions like the United States Department of Education. In summary, accreditation distinguishes programs and universities that offer an exceptional education.
By pursuing your degree from an accredited institution, you are guaranteeing yourself a quality education. This opens doors for career advancement as well as better job opportunities after graduation.
Verify the Accreditation
Since an accreditation signifies an excellence in education standards, a factor that is important to many prospective students, many scams have popped up in the industry. Therefore, it is important that you verify the accrediting agency for legitimacy. The United States Department of Education lists all regional, institutional and specialized accrediting agencies on their website. If you cannot locate an agency on this list, consider it fraudulent.
CofC Accredited Master’s Programs
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB) Accredited
Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) Accredited
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Accredited
- Master of Arts in Teaching Early Childhood
- Master of Arts in Teaching Elementary
- Master of Arts in Teaching Performing Arts
- Master of Education in Science and Math for Teachers
- Master of Education in Languages
- Master of Education in Teaching, Learning, and Advocacy