Erica Veal – 2012 Poster Session
The Graduate Student Research Poster Session is held each year to spotlight the research and activities that our graduate students pursue. The poster session provides an introduction to the impressive studies and inquiries currently taking place in our graduate programs. It also recognizes the ongoing contributions of graduate students, faculty, and alumni to the betterment of our campus, local, state and global communities.
Posters, submitted by students to highlight their research, are required to pass a thorough review process.
First, students submit an electronic application with a poster coversheet and a project abstract to the Dean. Then, the Committee on Graduate Research and Funding selects up to 50 posters to be displayed. The Committee tries to ensure representation from a wide range of programs and projects. After the posters are selected, the Graduate School notifies students and hosts a poster workshop to assist students. Selected students complete their posters, have them printed, and send electronic copies to our office. Finally, on the day of the poster session (Thursday), a committee of faculty and deans will select the best entries based on the quality of the research project, the presenter’s oral presentation, and the overall design. Winners are announced the following week.
Please join the Graduate School in recognizing the selected students and appreciating their research efforts at this year’s Graduate Student Research Poster Session. The event will take place this Thursday, January 24th from 4:00-6:00pm in the Stern Center Ballroom (4th floor).
Also, did I mention that you will get to enjoy refreshments as you perouse the research posters?