If you are participating in Commencement tomorrow, there are a few details you should remember:
Before The Ceremony
At 12:30 pm, seating begins in the TD Arena. Students must be in the Media Room of the TD Arena by 1:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. To get to the Media Room, enter at the door from Burns Lane by the loading dock. The Media Room is the first room on the left. Refrain from bringing personal items with you. Please be sure to listen for announcements and instructions.
Garage parking will be available for $5.00 per vehicle at the new George Garage located on St Philip Street between George & Liberty Streets. Please see the orange block labeled “GG” on the parking map.
The Ceremony
The Commencement Ceremony will begin at 2:00. with a reception at 4:00. The Commencement speaker will be Raymond Greenberg, MD, PhD. Greenberg has been the president of the Medical University of South Carolina since January of 2000.
After the Ceremony
At the end of the ceremony, students should exit the arena onto George Street and proceed directly to the reception to meet friends and family. To avoid congestion and ensure safety, students are asked to refrain from going to Meeting Street and the front entrance of TD Arena. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.