Monday Motivation: Paying for Grad School

Motivation Mickey

It’s Monday.  You’ve had a long weekend, and you haven’t had enough coffee yet.  Get motivated.  Or let me help you surf the web for ways to pay for grad school.

Broke Grad Student:
Paying back $22,000 in student loans

Avoid Going Broke When You Attend Grad School
There are plenty of ways that graduate level students can make their education much less expensive, however many fail to do so. Follow some of these tips so that you don’t wind up in six figures of student loan debt!

Graduate school: Is it worth it?
Don’t just look at how much debt you’ll be carrying after graduate school. Look at the starting salaries in your chosen field and determine how many years it will take to pay your debt down.

How to get a graduate school scholarship
Graduate school financial aids typically take in the form of grants, scholarships, and fellowships.

* These are some of the websites I ran across during a basic Google search – nothing that The Graduate School of the College of Charleston endorses.

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