Monthly Archives: October 2018

What is Global Foodways?

Global Foodways is the 2018-2019 World Affairs Signature Series sponsored by the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs and South Carolina Humanities, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities; inspiring, engaging and enriching South Carolinians with programs on literature, history, culture and heritage. 

The series features College of Charleston courses taught in 16 different fields and a variety of events open to the public for understanding the global meanings of food. As a biological necessity, an everyday practice, a foundation of culture, a labor, a killing, a creation, a language, an art form, a symbol of love, and a cause of war, food is the nexus between the physical and metaphysical aspects of humanity itself. The overarching objective of the program is to explore these layered meanings of food from the perspective of global humanities, a critical field for the advancement of ethical, engaged citizenship and cross-cultural literacy.

To this end, and in concert with the Sustainability Literacy Initiative across the College of Charleston, The Foodways program has been crafted around three interdisciplinary themes: Community of the Table | Sustainable Eating Practices | Historical and Political Perspectives on Food

I encourage you to peruse this blog, which is perpetually updated with pertinent information. Take a look at the amazing courses and exciting events available to students, faculty, and the community at large, including tastings, cooking demonstrations, lectures and discussions, film screenings, and theatrical performances.

Lauren Ravalico, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of French and Coordinator of Global Foodways

South Carolina Humanities Now the Major Co-Sponsor of Global Foodways!

 South Carolina Humanities is a not-for-profit organization that receives funding from the National Endowment of the Humanities to support humanities-based experiences that inspire, engage, and enrich the lives of South Carolinians. The organization awarded Global Foodways a “major” grant, the most generous type of funding they provide. It is an honor to receive sponsorship support from SC Humanities, and it enables us to offer the kinds of events that create excitement, conversation, and change in our community. Thank you, SC Humanities.